a brother's guilt.

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Zeldris Pov

my body ached, my head was cloudy, and my hearts were heavy. i had killed nearly 400 demons, because of my actions nearly 400 of my kind had to die. how was this so easy for meliodas to do but so hard for me? killing demons should never be easy for a demon, especially demons who were destined to rule over and care for the demons they now slaughtered.

even as i flew away from the now dead horde of demons i couldn't stop my mind from showing me the sounds, the sights, the things i had grown to dream of doing for the demon realm, the things i could no longer do because of my sins.

the sights before me became blurred from the speeds of which i flew away from the stench of my slaughtered brethren, their blood drenching me from head to toe as i had shown them no mercy. once returned to the safety that the celestials retreated to i watched as they all cheered at the sight of me, causing me to have to clench my jaw in apprehension as their cheers of joy made me nauseous for some reason unknown to me.

"sir zeldris! are you alright? were you wounded?" solaad was the first to fly up to me, his question causing more nausea as i hadn't sustained a single scratch.

"No, i am fine. however i have a request" i responded firmly, unable to meet his eyes.

"yes, anything you need" he responded instantly, slight worry in tone.

"i request that the fallen demons receive proper burials, they fought hard for their orders and not one tried to fall back" i responded lowly, hating how i hadn't actually given them the chance to run.

"yes, of course, i'll make sure of it myself" he responded in a strange tone, as if catching on to why i couldn't meet his eyes.

"thank you. i know this request is bothersome for you but..... i just killed nearly 400 of my old comrades so i can't just walk away without knowing that they'll receive proper treatment" i responded in defeated sigh, hating the slight tremor that ran through my body.

"of course, i will personally make sure that they all get what they need for the proper burial of a warrior" he responded easily, sounding remorseful.

"... thank you" was all i could get out before flying off, heading towards the cave i sent gelda to.

my chest quivered in a silent sob before landing at the entrance of the cave, being careful not to make to much noise to avoiding scaring gelda. the sight of a dead blue demon on the ground a little ways in made me panic, instantly rushing inside fearing the worst. the sight of gelda rocking Tristan in her lap when i made it in was not what i expected, however it did make me beyond relieved.

"g-gelda! are you guys alright?" i gasped out, clinging to her side and eyeing Tristan before pulling them both with me on my way out.

"yes, we're fine. that blue demon thought he could take Tristan without me knowing, he thought wrong" she laughed dryly, kissing the side of my head as we headed out of the cave.

"okay, as long as you're both fine i'm fine" i sighed out, holding her side as i lead them out.


meliodas pov

"seriously, just the night? everyone, you especially, need the rest" king groaned, his hand on my shoulder.

"then go, set up camp and rest. i won't stop looking until i find her" i responded in a growl, glaring at his hand on my shoulder until he removed it.

with that i turned and started on my way, still bound and determined to find her at all costs. she means everything to me, her voice her smile her everything i love it all. everything in me burned to hold her again, to kiss her again, to show her my love and give her the wedding she wanted. it felt like forever every second i couldn't have her, my hearts aching and mind darkening.

the sounds of branches cracking behind me went unnoticed as i continued to sulk for my lover, the sound of someone running up to being clouded over by the memories of her laughter. suddenly there was a sharp pain at the back of my head, causing me to fall forward and black out to the sound of someone saying they were 'sorry'


my mind flashed, strange images going through that made me nauseous. it was strange, it was like i was watching through someone else's eyes. i was in my and Elizabeth's old room, the one that burned. i was watching Tristan sleep in his yellow blanket, there was orange light streaming in through the windows signaling that it was morning.

was this a memory from Elizabeth? is the mating bond showing me what happened? i thought curiously, not knowing how to feel when i heard someone knock.

when she opened the door however i was confused, did ban just give her a once over? and since when did he call her by name?

that's not ban..... he would never look at her like that.. plus he likes using the 'princess' nickname for her.... i thought as i almost sensed Elizabeth's unease, as if she knew something was up too.

she picked Tristan up and stepped back slightly, watching him worriedly as he grinned in a strange way at her. she seemed to hold Tristan snuggly to her chest, her hand supporting the back of his head.

"sir ban?" she questioned wearily.

"yes, Elizabeth?~" he answered huskily, making me growl.


"captain? are you alright? you were growling in your sleep" king asked me nervously, the sight of it being noon making me sit up with a scowl.

"who the fuck knocked me out?" i snapped out, glaring at him as i stood.

"b-ban did.... he said you needed the rest even if you didn't want it.... he stayed up all night to look for her in your place.... he's still not back" he responded quietly, lowering his head slightly.

"okay, the mission is still the same. we all meet up at the village named tala, then we advance south" i ordered sternly, taking flight right after.

thankfully it doesn't look like too much daylight was wasted, should still be able to make it there by flight by sunset..... i thought as i watched the land carefully for any signs of danger.

"Elizabeth, please be okay..... i love you" i sent through the mating bond, having to clench my jaw when i once again received no reply.

after awhile of flight my mind drifted off to the vision the mating bond had given me, wondering what else happened after that. was that estarosa in disguise? how badly did he hurt her?


it was cold as i flew through the clouds, almost to the village and not once having seen ban on the ground below. did he already get there? was he attacked? or maybe i just overlooked him. i had yet to see any signs of demons, no danger or anything to be worried about.

i nearly launched an attack as merlin appeared out of nowhere right next to me, her smirk looking like she knew exactly what she did.

"captain" she spoke easily, flying on a broom next to me.

"merlin" i responded lowly, watching her from the corner of my eye.

"according to gowther, who looked high and low through fraudrin's mind, he was completely honest" she gave her report to me smoothly, raising a brow in wait.

"good. have him imprisoned and make sure to set a perfect cube around him, i'll be keeping him alive and well" i ordered darkly, watching her nod before she disappeared.


Zeldris Pov

"zel? you know you can talk to me right? i know somethings wrong, it's okay to be upset" gelda whispered into my ear as we rested in bed, Tristan in his crib right next to us.

"y-yes i-i am fine..... thank you" i whispered my white lie back, shivering when she began gently trailing her hand over my chest.

"you know, if you lie to me again.... i'll have to punish you" she whispered softly, biting the shell of my ear gently.

my entire face burned at the obvious implication, a shiver going through my body when she trailed her hand lower. after a moment of silence she pinched the skin right at the waistband of my pants, causing my hips to buck slightly as i whimpered.

"g-gelda, w-we can't right n-now.... tris, is-is right n-nnnne~" my sentence ended in a quiet moan as she cupped me through my pants, massaging me thoroughly.

"shh, just keep it down and he won't wake~ i'll reward you if you let me have a taste~" she sighed against me, lathing her tongue over my ear.

"i-i~ gel-gelda~" was all i could get out, my muffled moans of delight seeming to please her as she climbed on top of me.

"you know what i want, Zel~" she murmered quietly, her hand trailing over the scar tissue right next to my sack under my pants.

"ye-yes~ i know~ yo-you can do wha~ whatever you wan-want~" i struggled to moan out, shivering when she began easily pulling my pants and boxers off in one go.

she smiled heatedly down at me, her cheeks darkening in color as she trailed her hand back up my stomach. the feeling of her scratching my nipples before pinching them roughly made me have to clamp a hand over my mouth to conceal my noises, nearly shouting when she dipped down to bite one.

i merely watched as she drank blood from my nipple, her eyes staring dazedly into mine. she then let go and trailed her tongue down my chest, lightly scraping her teeth for the ride. she stopped by my belly button to bite down again, leaving another little mark but not bothering to drink from the new wound, instead choosing to trail lower again.

it was thrilling when she dragged her chin over the top of my hardened arousal, her breath making me shiver as i couldn't look away.

"Zelly-Boo~ be a good demon and ask nicely for what you want~" she whispered against my tip, batting her eyelashes at me.

i knew she knew what i wanted, i loved it when she bit me, when she held my skin in her mouth. but that didn't make it any easier to ask, to admit as i knew that she was my kink, her fangs being a huge part in that.

"g-gelda..... can-can y-you... fuck i can't say it and yo-you know i-i can't" i whimpered to her, feeling insecure as i looked away from her.

my hips bucked lightly when she kissed my tip, a quiet gasp leaving me when she trailed her nose to the place she knew i wanted her. i shivered when she was settled, one of her cheeks pressed to the side of my arousal the other pressed to my thigh as she had her lips pressed to the scar tissue.

it felt electric when she began gently pressing her teeth into the scarring from the last time she did this with me, reminding me vaguely of when we did this for the first time and i had thrown her off when she bit down on me for the first time. she had only kept me from actually injuring her by sucking me off, before climbing in my lap and being my first.

"g-gelda~" i moaned quietly, trying my best to keep from screaming, to keep from waking Tristan.

she pulled off of me with a moan, smiling up at me as she climbed back up and straddled my waist. i sat up slightly to kiss her and enjoying the way her tongue tasted, the slight copper flavor in her mouth only serving as a reminder of the pleasure soon to come.

"Zelly-boo~ i love you~" she moaned quietly, lifting herself up before adjusting and letting me slide in her tight heat.

"hng~ g-gelda~ i-i lo-love you too~" i moaned back, holding her hips when i was balls deep.


"fu-fuck~" i moaned quietly, shivering from the bone deep satisfaction as she lifted herself up and off of me before settling by my side, her head on my chest as we both panted slightly.

"mhm, yeah~ no kidding~" she sighed softly, wrapping me in an embrace.

some time passed where were silent, enjoying the slight afterglow as we snuggled. she seemed to settle while we listened to the crickets outside, the sweat on out bodies making the blanket stick to us slightly.

"i'm sorry, it's just that I've never killed demons like that..... i mean, I've executed demons before when they were disobeying, but I've never slaughtered them when they were being loyal..... i-i feel guilty.... i didn't even talk to them to try to convince them to leave.... they would have listened had i just ordered them to leave..... but..... i didn't even consider letting them live, nor did i keep an eye out for if they tried to run..... i didn't give them a chance to survive" i came clean quietly, chewing my lip in nervousness.

"listen, zel, it's not your fault.... you know deep down had you let them live they would have come back again and again, until they had either killed everyone or taken Tristan.... i'm sorry you had to be the one to do it, but you're not alone okay? i love you and i'm here for you" gelda murmered to me, kissing my chest softly.

"i love you too, i'm here for you too... " i responded quietly, kissing the top of her head.



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