An Unlikely Turn.

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Ban Pov

"hey! watch it!" I called out to the captain as some tree shrapnel from him throwing Fraudrin through them flew by me, some of the splinters going through my arm as I blocked.

the sound of explosions going off in the distance followed by flames bursting into the sky making heat waves fly through the air, the ground trembling with quakes as more trees fell to the ground. I flinched at the sound of the purple demon letting out another scream of pain, making me cringe at the obvious sounds of cracking bones.

once walked over there I had raise a brow at the way captain had broken fraudrin's arms to wrap backwards around the tree to restrain him, cap'n crouched down in front of him whispering something darkly.

"so, now that ya caught the bastard what do we start with to get him to talk? the toes? the eyes? or maybe we should cut off his dick?" I chimed casually, watching fraudrin's eyes go wide as he shivered.

"yes, I quite like that idea. maybe i'll burn all three. taking my mate really was a bad move don't you think?" captain ground out lowly, dragging his blade down the side of his head, dangerously close to his left eye.

"oh screw you, damned tra-itorrrrr!" fraudrin growled out, his sentence ending in a scream of pain as cap'n forced his blade easily into fraudrin's chest.

"wrong answer. you don't have a lot of hearts to lose, so I suggest you be a good sorry excuse for a demon and answer honestly, but above all else don't leave anything out, Yeah?" captain snarled lowly, raising a brow at him as he smiled sickly.

".... fuck you..." fraudrin huffed, closing his eyes to avoid watching his own fate.

captain didn't bother waiting for fraudrin to change his answer, just dragging his blade which was already in his chest, through to the next heart as fraudrin screamed so loud the birds flew away. after a moment of silence with the only sound being fraudrin's panting whines of pain, before captain slid the sword out and jammed it in fraudrin's upper thigh, dangerously close to his genitals as he let out another howl of pain.

"how about now? mind telling me where my bride is? if not than off with the balls" chuckled sickly, a twisted and demented look on his face as his darkness circled his eyes.

"d-don't... fuck this hurts... I-I..... I can't tell you... I-I can't betray the-the demon realm...." he growled, his body trembling slightly as blood pooled below him.

it took only a moment before he let out a scream, captain having slammed his sword into the purple demon's groin with a grin. after a moment captain began using his sword like a saw and dragging it to the side and slicing his leg clean off in the process.

"let's try this again. where, is, my, mate? here, if you don't remember let me, let me jog your memory. blue eyes without magic, gold eyes with magic, pale hair, defended my child against a bunch of lowlife demons in a life or death situation. where the Fuck is my bride?" captain snarled out, his face twisting something into darker.

"no..... th-there was only one..... one demon who took part in taking her... me and melascula wer-were only lookouts..... melascula and estarosa w-worked together on some spell to make estarosa look like one of your sin-sinners.... I-I don't know which one, I-I didn't see wh-what he looked like af-after the spell.... we did-didn't even see her" fraudrin gave in, huffing as his head lowered in pain.

"ah, good, we're talking now very good. so estarosa took her? was she hurt? where did he take her?" captain responded darkly, pulling his sword from fraudrin's flesh.

"I-I don't know... she.... she-she looked like she w-was bleeding..... we were-were supposed meet at-at the canyon j-just south of a rundown town named tala..... we never got to be-because..... because I couldn't watch what he..... what he was trying to do to her..." fraudrin responded lowly, his head hanging as another tremble went through his limbs.

"what the fuck was he doing to her!?" captain barked out at him, panic evident in his eyes as I crouched down with him.

"he-he was trying to t-take h-her clothes o-off..... we got into a fight because I-.... I couldn't watch something like-like that happen to.... to some girl who wasn't even awake or-or moving... he wounded and knocked me out..... I don't know what happened next..... that-that was the last I saw of-of them..." he whined, no longer able to hold eye contact.

it felt like hours but was probably only minutes as captain held his eyes closed, his body tense as his jaw trembled. suddenly captain sniffled and lowered his head, his breath hitching as a shudder went through him.

"w-was she at least..... breathing?" captain asked with a crack to his voice, some tears trailing down his face.

"I-I don-don't know, I couldn't tell" fraudrin responded quietly, a slight whine to his voice from the wounds.

"captain! are you guys okay? what did i miss? does he know where princess Elizabeth is?" king asked in rush flying in from above.

after some silence captain merely lifted his head to stare at him, the tears making the blank look on face appear twisted and sick. the sound of diane arriving a moment later made captain glance darkly in her direction, one of his brows raising in silence.

"king, take fraudrin back to the tavern and have gowther go through his mind, he'll know what i'm looking for from fraudrin's mind. if fraudrin is being honest, have him healed and sent to liones to be put in a cage until I return to decide his fate, have merlin put a spell so no one but people of my choosing can interact with him" captain ordered darkly, his eyes downcast.

"y-yes captain... wh-what then?" king asked quietly, his brows furrowed slightly at the look captain held.

"we're going to tala, than we head south to some kind of canyon to investigate there" captain gave his order easily, the darkness in his eyes looking like there was red pulses in it.



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