how'd it go?

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King POV

We successfully failed to find the captain or princess so we went back to the tavern to see if anyone else had any luck. But no not a single trace.

"W-what are we gonna do if they did get hurt or worse and that's why we can't find them" diane said starting to cry,

"oh! Dian its okay I bet their fine! We're probably just looking in the wrong spots to find them!" I said to diane and she stopped crying and looked up at me,

"I-I hope so" she stuttered,

And then it happened, the captain walked in holding the princess.

"yo" he said casually setting her down and waving,

"Hi everyone! I missed you!" the princess exclaimed happily with her hands together,

Diane ran over and hugged her tightly, "we were worried about you! We thought you might have gotten hurt I'm so glad your okay!" diane said letting go of her,

"oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to worry you!" the princess said frantically,

"where were you guys anyway?" I asked curiously,

"oh well we were in the mountains for a while before we headed to a nearby canyon" captain said blankly grabbing ale and pouring himself some,

"so you were in the mountains..... By any chance did you leave when you saw us coming?"  gowther asked calmly,

"WAIT THAT WAS YOU?!?" captain yelled surprised,

"yes.... You couldn't tell?" gowther asked,

-"hmm welp no I couldn't tell, but oh well we're here now so what was it you were saying about being worried about us being hurt?" captain asked curiously drinking his ale,

"well merlin had a theory that there might have been someone going after you guys...... WAIT! Hey Elizabeth so what kind of stuff did you learn?" Diane finished with a smile, oh how I loved that smile,

Elizabeth POV

I hadn't thought about what I would say if they asked about training and I don't think meliodas did either.
So I went to use telepathy to ask what he wanted me to say but before I even could,

"oh chill out guys they just got back let's all have a drink and we can ask tomorrow" sir ban chimed in with,

Oh! My! Goodness! Thank you sir ban I thought to myself, I nodded as I went to start grabbing everyone drinks and get to waitressing before meliodas suddenly told me not to bother with waitressing today,

"hey cap'n can I talk to you for a minute?" sir ban asked opening the door to go outside,

"yeah sure I'll be right there" meliodas said casually.
He then finished up his drink refilled it and went outside,

Ban pov

I went outside and not long after cap'n came out with a mug of ale,

"yo ban watch ya need?" cap'n asked taking a sip of ale,

"well~ since ya asked so nicely I was curious if you told the princess how you feel..... I mean you were alone with her for almost two weeks so~" I asked raising a brow,

Captain coughed up his drink a little and looked at me lookin hella flustered,

"what?" he asked hiding behind his poker face,

"well not long before you left to train the princess you said you wanted to marry her so~? Did you ask her?" I asked curiously raising a brow,

He just stared at me with a blank face "o-oh I forgot I told you about that....... you didn't-" I cut him off with

"Tell anyone? No no I didn't tell anyone... but seriously did you tell her?"  I asked,

He just stared at me again,

Meliodas POV

Oh shit do I tell my buddy..... Do I tell my best friend that I told her and asked her to marry me? And that the entire training mission was just an excuse to properly mate with her?..... No I'll tell him when I tell everyone else I thought to myself as he waited for an answer

"Nope not yet" I said casually,

"well why the hell not! You had all that time alone with her and the answer is 'nope not yet' are you freaking kidding me right now?!? Your gonna lose her if you don't get her!" ban snapped,

Ya know what I might as well tell him..... He won't tell the others... So I can trust him

"okay, okay you win" I said honestly,

"uhh what do you mean I win?" he asked quickly,

"uhh I mean you win.... You got me I told her" I said casually smiling,

"you did.... Then why didn't you just say that? And what did she say?" he asked curiously,

I wanted to prank him a bit,
So I sighed sadly lowering my head.

"what she didn't feel the same? Bullshit! You are such a bad lyar its so obvious how much she loves your dumbass even gowther said it" ban said smirking at me,

"ahh shit ya caught me again is it really that obvious? Damn..... Oh well anyway I asked her to marry me aannddd then I asked her to be my mate aaanndd then mated with her and that's why we went on that 'training' mission" I said doing quotations with my fingers on the word training,

He broke up laughing.

"cap'n you gotta be the most sly demon I've ever seen! And what do you mean by mate? Like I heard something about some races having mates but no one really talks about it" ban said curiously,

"umm no I'd rather not, you can ask merlin if you'd like" I said casually,

"yea no I'll read something..... So when do want to tell everyone?"  ban asked curiously,

"I'll figure that out later" I said as I went back to the tavern,

Time skip nightfall
Elizabeth pov

Meliodas soon came in the room with a small smile and locked the door behind him.

"Hey Ellie I told ban about Us" he said with a grin,
I couldn't help but blush knowing someone knew about it.

"O-okay thank you for telling me" I said as he climbed on the bed,

"I also worked with ban to get everyone else drunk so I could be with you without interruptions" he said giving me a kiss,

I couldn't help but blush even darker, but kissed back. I felt him deepen the kiss and the mark on my neck tingled as it started to glow he suddenly pulled away panting heavily,

"we'd better leave it at that for now I promised ban we wouldn't be loud and if we do this you'll be screaming my name before we're even halfway done and I'll make sure of it" he finished with a grin,
I blushed at this but all at the same time I couldn't help but be a little saddened at this, I wanted him especially after that kiss but I didn't want to bother the others so I settled for snuggles.

"C-can i um can I cuddle you then?" I asked blushing he didn't respond at first he just pulled me into his chest and laid down with me,

"you took the words out of my mouth" he said smirking,
I just smiled while cuddling up to him.

"I Love You Ellie" he said kissing the top of my head,

"I love You too meliodas" I said dozing off,



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