The mission is a go.

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king pov

"yes, but what if that doesn't work? we need a plan B on getting there" merlin added as she read from her floating book, all of us sitting at a table trying to plan on how we were going to get the princess back.

"we don't need an extra fucking plan!" zeldris shouted at her, angrily pacing the room.

"and if we would listen to you, go in there swords drawn and fail? would you rather go in and risk failing without a plan B or go in with one? just imagine how many chuncks captain will tear us and everyone else into if this plan fails and she dies" merlin argued calmly, watching him with narrowed eyes.

at this zeldris stopped, his back facing us as he shook slightly before he turned his face towards the ceiling and growled lowly. the roomed went silent at the reminder of the captain, all of us remembering how hollowed out his eyes looked as he took Tristan up to the new room solaad let him use.

"okay, guys, at the end of this as long as we get the princess back who cares how many plans we have to have as long as one of them works" ban murmered out with his head hung low, surprising being the voice of reason for once.


meliodas pov

the feeling of Tristan's soft breath against my neck is the only thing that kept me from losing it, my throat feeling clogged with restrained sobs as I held as still as I could so as to not wake my little tris despite the feelings of dread and heartache. I hated that I couldn't keep the tears in, my lip wobbling despite my best attempts to hide the pain from my son.

my love... my sweet love... my everything.... please just a small something from you... I miss you with every part of my soul, all seven of my hearts and it hurts without you.... I sobbed into the mating bond again as I had been doing every five minutes, my hearts wrenching when once again I received no reply.

nothing hurt more then not having her with me, in my arms, and in my protection. especially when I knew her kidnapping was my fault, having chose to not take her and Tristan with me because I thought they would be safer if they stayed with the sins.

even as I laid in bed on my back with Tristan on my chest I couldn't keep myself from fidgeting, feeling the constant need to go and find her, my love, my mate, my rising sun and setting moon. no matter what, at the end of the day she really is my everything and as long as I have her and Tristan my life is complete.

the moment I get my love back, I can hold her, kiss her, beg for her forgiveness for ever letting her get taken, hurt or scared. everything in me was boiling to go, go now, go and do anything and everything to save her. but the thing that scared me most, every nerve in my body feeling cold and frozen from fear, not being able to even remotely sense her, the mating bond being completely silent.

"hey tris, ya know something that would make Elizabeth super happy? if the first thing she heard when she gets back is you calling her mom" I whispered to him brokenly, trying and failing to not let my voice break.

he didn't wake, just cooed quietly in his sleep as he wiggled slightly. after a moment of silence, I lifted my left hand and smiled warbly at the bronze colored wedding band resting on my finger. a quiet sob left me as I laid there, tears tracking down my face while all I could do was hold my precious little son in my arms.


the feeling someone rubbing my shoulder is what woke me, instinctually adjusting my grip on Tristan as I opened my eyes slightly. my vision was blurred as I squinted at the person waking me, my vision clearing and showing king floating there with a sad expression.

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