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All my life I worked hard for everything that I have in my life right now. I don't have everything that I want but I have more than what I use to have.. Btw.. Hi. Hello. I am Mica I own a concert production company based in the US. My company closely work with korean artist doing concert or show tour in the US. It's been 8 yrs since I started the company and I'm very proud that we are able to have good partnership with korean ent. companies.

I have not taken any breaks for 8 yrs since I really focused on making sure that my company will be established and stable not only for myself but also for my employees.

Under my personal team I have the following people who I closely work with:

Aly-Close Friend/ Head of marketing dept.
AC-Close Friend/Head of engineering dept.
Rouge-Close Friend/Head of Stage production
Jhin-Close Friend/Head of Music dept.
Kyle-Close Friend/Head of Korea Team

For the first time I am considering a vacation.

Jazz asked me "Mica, where would you like to go?? Like really take a break no work at all.. please not south korea cause I know you will work"

"Hmm Okay I would like to go back to thailand.. book my flight direct to BKK then I would just book additional flights when I get there" I said

Everyone in my core team was shocked by my reply.

"Are you sick???" AC asked

"NO, I'm not I would just really like to take a break.. you guys have been pushing me to take a break now that I'm doing it everyone is shocked" I answered back

Everyone knows me as the workaholic no sickness would hinder me from doing my work..

But now I know I have done well and I know I deserve this break.

My flight was scheduled april summer time/songkran season for Thailand.

When I got there I felt the same excitement and freedom I felt the first time I went there. My team booked my hotel at the Marriot even though I asked them to let me stay at a hostel but they refused so okay whatever I just let them be.. I know they just want me to enjoy

I got there the week prior to the songkran festival(water/new year festival for thailand)

7 days prior to any festivities I have nothing in my mind to do but since marriot offers travel tours I took advantage of it not knowing it would be with someone I really look up to.

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