I don't know

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Months flew by so fast that I am already in my birthing suite. I'm about to give birth but Harry is no where to be found. I want to hold his hand while I push out our baby but no.. all I can hold onto is this cold hard rod of metal.

I pushed with all my might and strength until I heard my baby girl cry.. all I can do is just cry because I can see her now..

It has been a few hours since I gave birth but no one can contact him still.

He went to NY to visit his dad since he got hospitalised and he needs to do some errands for his parents since his sister is stuck in a tattoo convention tour which she cannot back out due to the signed contract.

He was supposed to be back 1 week prior to me being in labor but he never showed up. He never came back to me.

His sister thought he was already home with me since he texted her that he is about to board a plane going to LA. No one had contact with him. His phone is turned off. I tried all soc meds and messaging app that he is on also until I sent him an email.

I asked him where is he?? If he is okay.

But all I recieved is a reply from him that he thought he is ready to be a father but no he is not and he cannot marry me also since he is not sure about us if it will work. That he is just going to send child support and all.

I was devastated but all I can think of now is my baby.

His sister just cried in front of me as she read the email.

"If you want to be an aunt to Dahlia you can your brother's fault is not yours". I hugged her tight.

She said thank you and left since she needs to do some stuff.

My heart is breaking and full at the same time.

My heart is breaking and full at the same time

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Meet my baby Dahlia.

I don't know what happend but one thing is for sure my love for this little human is more than any heart ache.

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