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From that day on we are together everyday..

He checked out from his room and stayed with me since mine is bigger.

I saw his side that was a homebody it will be okay for him to stay in our room all day and just talk, play games or facetime his sister who is taking care of holly(his dog)

Sometimes I will be able to force him to walk around the area and just observe people

Sometimes I will be able to force him to walk around the area and just observe people

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Here we went to chinatown and ate some good food.

I  was also able to drag him to the floating market

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I  was also able to drag him to the floating market.

I  was also able to drag him to the floating market

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He booked this elephant sanctuary tour for us. I was able to see the kid in him as he feed and played with the elephants.

I am scared of what will happen but all I know is I cannot let him go. He would always look me in the eyes and just smile at me.

We went out one night to eat dinner. We are waiting for a cab to get back to the hotel. I was looking at him from his back.

I have never touch him or hug him without him doing it first. I did back hug him while he is waiving for our cab.

He grabbed my hand and tigthen the hug more which made sniff his scent and I just buried my face on his back..

When we got into the cab he would pull me closer to him put his hands around me and make me feel warm and safe.

"Tommorow is start of songkran which part of the city would you like to go??" I asked him

"Can we just stay here?? We could go the next day since it is 3 days of celebration"


He was drinking wine when I woke up from my nap..

I back hug him and tried to kiss him on his neck but he pulled away from my kiss..

I was shocked but did not say anything. I just pulled away from him. At the back of my mind I know we kiss, hug and be flirting with each other but no sexual contact.. It has been a week since we met it's just that I don't do one night stands.. I only fuck my boyfriend like you have to be really mine. I am not sure of what we have but I do know that I enjoy his company.. I want him around me..

I just went to the bathroom and showered.

Then all of a sudden he was inside the shower with me he turned off the water.

I was startled and tried to cover my body but he just took my hands off of my body and he looked at me in my entire nakedness..

"Mica, I am sorry if I pulled away from you. I know you don't do one night stands but just let me see you this way.. you don't know how hard it is for me to not touch you every night when you would cuddle up to me.. when you unknowingly would rub my chest as you position yourself in my arms.. I won't touch you without your consent but just so you know you are driving me mad"

All that I know is that no one have been this bold, open and truthful with me

I grabbed his neck and pulled him to a kiss..

After running out of breath he is already holding me in my waist but careful not to touch any of my private parts.. he asked me"are you sure??"

I just nodded and then he kissed me again. He traced my neck with with kisses.. and I just moaned his name..



"Can we move to the bed?? I dont want injuries we are old remember?? 🤣🤣"

"Yes ma'am" he said while smiling at me

He looked at me and I know he is asking me if I am sure that I want to do this.

"You have seen me naked so what is there to hide and yes I am sure I want to feel you"

It started with kiss and then him tracing my back to put his hand on my waist.

Me sitting on the edge of the bed seeing his bulge made me touch it.

He moaned.

Before I could even touch it more he stopped my hand and placed a robe on me..

"I know you want it but I respect you I would love to make you mine right now but no.. soon babe when everything falls into the right place I will make you mine okay??" Then he kissed me..

I just hugged him and whispered to him"yes sir"

I would never forget this memory.
The memory of someone respecting my whole worth.

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