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I was busy being pregnant and being a CEO all at the same time.

I was happy that with my business I can stay home and rest whenever I want. I am also just glad that I can entrust my company to  my team knowing that they will take care of it.

My belly is just growing each day. I am beyond happy and excited with our baby but not with the morning sickness, the feeling of being over fatigued even though the day have just started. I hate it..

Harry is already here in LA he was able to wrap things up in SK within  a month.

Every morning as day goes by.. my morning sickness is just getting worse.. I don't want to eat anything since I am already so scared that I would just vomit it out and as much as possible I don't want to take so much medicines..

Early morning I am already inside our bathroom seated in a stool right in front of the sink since I don't want to waste energy from standing and walking.. Harry woke up when he did not feel me next to him...

He was rubbing my back..

Babe... I'm so sorry.. If I only knew I would have been more careful.. Im so sorry..

It's alright babe.. no one really knows how a body would react to a baby..

I was just hugging him holding on to his waist..

Babe We should go to the doctor back and maybe ask for a different medicine maybe.. he said.

No I am good. I will just take the meds if I cannot take it anymore and in 2 days I would have my check up again...

Harry was like looking at me all worried

I just hugged him..

Love you harry..

He just kissed me in my forehead and then my lips..

Mica, thank you for enduring all of these for our family.. I love you so much.. btw today is my last day for any work.. I would focus now all my energy to you okay?? I will just have a final meeting with the gang then I am all yours.. even though you own me already

I just laughed at him while holding on to his waist.

He sat in front of me while fixing my ponytail and then he cupped my face..

Babe I love you thank you for talking to me back in thailand if not for you I would not be this happy and contented.. and then he gave me small quick kisses all over my face..

Babe your breatttthh.. I said while laughing

Ohh shit wait lemme brush so I can kiss you more.. he said as he grabs his toothbrush and brushed in front me

I was just looking at him.. when I thought about seeing him on a daily basis  would be me getting tired of him.. like I will loose the feeling of missing him.. but whenever he is busy even though I can see him right in front of me I still do feel that I miss him....

I never thought I would fall in love this hard for someone especially for someone like him.. he may be a celebrity or a musician but for me he is my Harry.. he is my nerdy, clumsy and always annoying Harry..

What are you looking at Mrs. Park?? Huh? What do you want Ma'am?? Me?? You want me?? Ohh I'm sorry but I am taken by my queen.. do you know her?? While acting like a gangster...

I just shooked my head No.. while laughing

Ohh you don't? Damn that woman.. she is so fineee.. especially when she would cuddle next to me.. she would fit her body to mine.. dangg.. I really love grabbing those titties ohh wait let me tell you also those titties ohh they over fill my hands.. if you know what I mean.. (and then he winked at me)

Ohhhh she has THE tits ha?? I told him while laughing

Ohh yesss ma'am most beautiful tits I have ever seen..

I was laughing so hard that my belly hardened..

Ohh shit.. i said while rubbing my belly..

Sorry babe..I'll stop joking now..

I stood up and just hug him so tight

Babe please make me laugh like this for the rest of my life okay? I ask from him..

Ohh yes ma'am that is why I put a ring on it already

My stomach growled..

We both looked at my stomach..

Ohh shit baby and mommy  HANGRY.. not good sign..

Stay here I will cook breakfast.. eggs and bacon good? And milk??

I nooded and some dick on the side would be good..

Ohh yes ma'am a hard long dick on the side only for you then he winked at me as he rush to go down leaving me chuckling in our bathroom..

Lord thank you for this life.

That is all I can think about.. how happy and contended I am with my life Lord thank you so much.

Baby and me is so far so good. Always praying for healthy and safe delivery..

Harry was always making sure we have enough food that sometimes Jazz would have a fight with him about my favorite food

I was not supposed to be going down to the kitchen when I heard Harry bickering with someone..

Babbbeeee... who is with you?

It's me!! Jazz shouted back..

Ohh okay.. good morning..

Wassup?? What you doing here it is so early and today is a sunday??

Nothing, Nathan left yesterday to camp with some of his friends and I got bored so here I am.. sorry if I came unannounced...

No its all good just curious..

Well breakfast is served for the two of you bacon and eggs with fried rice.. He's making your milk..

Awww.. so beautiful. Im starving..  and I just cried because my two fave people made me breakfast..

Life is good but hormones are not.

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