Her Side.

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Nath's POV.

I know what I am doing is wrong having him beside me due to a child is wrong but I just want to keep him as long as I could because once I gave birth I know he would ask for a paternity test and it will not be his since I knew I was already pregnant before I planned of sneaking into his house on the night of the party.

I am friends with their stylist I have met Harry before thru our common friend but I know he doesn't like me because he would not give me attention..

But I love him.
I have been a fan of him prior to him being signed to H1gher music. I was already following his soundcloud and all.

Call me obsessed or what but I love him. I just want to call him mine even just for a while I would let him go prior to me giving birth my family already know the truth that is why they ask me to give birth here in the states.

When I first met Mica back here in LA. I know for sure that she was the one photograph with Harry in Thailand. I wouldn't lie they look so good together and the way Harry holds her and looks at her makes me wish I was her.

Mica I am really sorry I will give him back to you.

All I can do is cry as each day pass I know soon I would have to let him go.

I heard him sneaking out of our airbnb we are here in LA since tommorow they would have a show here before finishing it off in seattle which is Jay Park's hometown.

The tour lasted also for 1 month.
I am now past my 6 month almost 7th now.
I know he is sneaking out to see Mica.

It hurts me but I know she is his happiness..
He loves her..

Not even a child cannot stop him from loving her.

I will just let him finish seattle show and I would admit everything. I just hope he can forgive me all that I did was to love him.

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