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He went back to south korea after spending almost 1 month with me here in LA.

I was able to take him to my favorite food spots.
And show him around the area that I live in.

We are far from the perfect couple there would be days that I would be immature towards him but he always tries to understand me.

I know I am far from what he wants in his woman but I try to be the best version of myself always not just for him but for myself also.

We just stayed connected even though it is very hard..

He invited me to visit south korea mid june. I agreed and I informed him that Jazz will be with me since she has not done any vacation recently and it was okay with him.

I was so excited since it will be summer in korea and it means water festivals.. I am so excited to see him perform live now that I am his girlfriend.

Me and Jazz stayed at the Grand Hyatt..

We did all the touristy stuff and visited a lot of cafe

We were enjoying one afternoon we were walking around Itaewon trying to find a cafe where we could just hang out.

For the longest time me and Jazz never really had time to do this and I am happy.

Harry is in H1gher since according to him he would be recording today.

Our schedule for today was supposed to be in myeongdong but Jazz found a cafe in Itaewon that really captured our eye so we went for it

While walking looking for cafe. I saw the make and model of Harry's car and I was like "yes my babe knows his car. This is a good looking one"

Then all of a sudden Harry was coming out from the shop where the car was parked with 2 woman and one of them sat at the shotgun and all I can do is grab Jazz and told her about it if she can confirm that it is Harry.

Omg!!! It is him.. like wtf??!!

I peeked again just to confirm and it was him.

I called him just to be sure.

Hi babe! I said

Oh hi why are you calling???

Uhm nothing I would just like to know how to get to itaewon from myeongdong since me and Jazz is kinda lost.. I think we got off at the wrong stop..

Uhm wait. Where are you now? Can you share your location??

Uhm no just tell me the train stop nearest to itaewon we would know already.

It should be itaewon station itself

Ahh is that so ohh okay we got confused then btw where are you? Are you near itaewon??

Ahm no I am here at the studio..

Ohh okay sorry for calling then we will figure this out thanks bye.

Then I hang up immediately

He was trying to call me back but I ignored it.

I am hurting but I don't want to cry right now.

You know what??? We are here in Itaewon if he can do that to you then let's party. We will go back to the hotel lets just switch bags and outfits and then we will party and drink okay??

I just nodded.

Why is this happening to me always?? Why am I always not enough?

Damn it.

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