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Dahlia and I woke up late..

It was already past 9 am when I felt her kisses..

As I open my eyes I saw Dahlia playingwith her dolls.

"Mama dada" she just keeps on saying then that is when I noticed my phone is vibrating

I looked at my phone to see that yes indeed harry is calling me.

It took me 3 times to slide the answer button since I am shaking

Love? He said.

All I can do is cry.

Fuck I miss that voice so much..

Love please dont cry please...

Mama.. mama.. dahlia calls me as she wiped my tears

Love open the door I am here now. Please??

I rushed to the door.

Stood for a moment right in front of it.

Fixed my hair with my hands then rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth real quick.

"Love wait" I shouted at him while brushing my teeth.

Love dont need to brush I would kiss you no matter what he shouted back while laughing

When I opened the door there he was there my love, my Harry.

He hugged me so tight while kissing my lips and all over my face..

We only stopped kissing when Dahlia cried.

Ohh shiiit my princess he put me down as he rushes towards her..

He was on his knees..

Both of them looking at each others eyes..

Dada?? Dahlia said.

Yes baby??

Dada?!!! Now while clapping her hands and then Dahlia touched his nose, poking his eyes, pulling his hair then biting his chin but no complains from him just crying

Dahlia was wiping his tears..

Dada.. dada.. dada..

Dahlia keeps calling him Dada

All I can say is Thank you, Lord for bringing him back to me.

I am mad but I know him.. He has his reasons..

I sat at the bed resting my head against the headboard when Dahlia crawled to me and just started pulling my pajamas down..

Okay baby..

I positioned her to cradle and started feeding her..

Harry was watching us when suddenly Dahlia bite my nipples.. and I have to squeeze her cheeks for her to let go of it.

Dahlia please no biting please I will not be able to feed you if you keep biting..

Then she cried..
I am a horrible mother I cannot even endure her biting..

I feel defeated.
Harry took Dahlia from me..

Does she do formula already??

Yup I alternate it.

I got up and made her a bottle and gave it to Harry.

I took a bath while she was feeding.

As I was dressing.

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