Into the Unknown

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She had felt something had been off for week's now.

Something in the air maybe? Or perhaps someone , calling for her.

Initially she had dismissed it all as pregnancy symptoms , the spacing out, the dizziness , and the unpleasant feeling of something was going to go horribly wrong, that she could explain away, however , the voice calling out to her , she could not. With each call of the voice , her magic grew stronger , all whilst she attended council meetings and liaised with other politicians and royalty. She found it harder to ignore when she was with her family, whether it be snuggling with Hans , or playing charades with Olaf. She could not shake this feeling away.

Hans had begun to notice something was wrong with Elsa for she felt distant , occupied , unlike her usual self. She was slipping into those bad habits , into the old Elsa , the one that isolated herself and pushed her family away. He could tell in the way she kissed him, and the way she turned her back away from him in the bed they slept. He was worried , that he was losing her. He had tried to listen to others that it was just pregnancy symptoms and that she'll be better after the birth, and yet in his heart he knew that this was something different.

"Anna, I'm worried about your sister" He hesitantly admits to his sister in law. Anna was surprised at his admission and that he was confiding in her, he was normally quite a quiet man in the ways of family life and with Elsa he normally waits for her to come to him and talk it through.

"Me too" She frowns as she looks up from her book, they had been sat in the drawing room by the fireplace , whilst the midwives and doctors checked on Elsa.

"I'm tired of being told , its just the pregnancy symptoms and that She'll be better after the birth. Anna I know it isn't the pregnancy , I can feel it. Something else is wrong and I feel powerless to stop it." His voice broke at the last sentence , he buried his face in his gloved hands, then ran them through his hair. Anna sighed , closed her book and sat next to her brother in law, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Elsa does this , when she's going through something , she pushes you away and then when you confront her on it , she makes you feel like you're crazy and that you're imagining things. You need to stand your ground with her, It's hard , and she will make it hard for you, but it is just how she has learned to cope since a small child. Being defensive and closed off kept her safe , it kept the uncomfortable feelings away, you know this yourself." She explains from her knowledge of growing up with the frosty Queen and shut off woman.

"I dare not upset her, it's not good for her or the baby to be distressed" He pauses " But I worry that if this goes on for too long we may lose them both. Anna I don't know if I can keep her safe." He stands and begins to pace in front of the fireplace. Anna places a hand on his shoulder , her eyes watching the flames flicker, sensing how torn the king was inside, she could tell from how quickly the flames would change.

"Hans , we both know that you'll do everything in your power to protect her. You're not alone , you have Kristoff and I. We will get through this as a family" She brings him in for an embrace.

The pair were interrupted by a frantic Elsa storming into the room, her hands wringing desperately at each other, in an attempt to get the anxiety out. Ice sprawls out from under her feet and smothers the fire. Anna and Hans rush to her side. Anna rubs her sisters back, whilst Hans helps her sit down.

"Is everything Ok, what happened?" Anna dulcet tones is enough to snap Elsa back to reality.

"I don't know Anna, I feel constantly on edge , like something is going to happen. I can't shake this feeling off and it's too much. It's not the pregnancy , it's something else." She pants in between panicked breaths. Hans is stunned at how Elsa had abruptly admitted there was something wrong , he didn't move though because he knew Anna had control of the situation , besides , he and Elsa hardly spoke anymore, he almost felt like he was a stranger imposing on a private matter.

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