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Credit to RavineWreyn for her wonderful artwork , be sure to check out her instagram which is snowqueenof_arendelle.

Hans stirred from his sleep in the cold and damp cell , his eyes still groggy with fatigue, his hands pressed against the cobblestones as he forced himself to stand. Wincing with pain , he straightened his posture and gazed out to the fjord through the small window that resided in the place. It was dark out and stars littered the sky , but they weren't as bright, due to the foggy haze that hovered over the calm fjord. Hans let out a sigh and thought back to Elsa , he knew that she hated feeling trapped and confined ; he wondered how much longer elsa would be able to cope with it. He missed her ,  that beautiful smile of hers, her bell like laugh , her blue eyes , her lips. He missed her wit , and her wise words , along with the feel of her hand in his. He missed Anna and her vibrant sense of life, he missed kristoff who always knew what to say when he felt that he wasnt enough.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath , allowing all the grief to ease a little bit. He was tired,  tired of battling with his own mind , day in ,day out. The strength it required to control this magic of his it was exhausting,  along with keeping up the facade of Admiral , ensuring no one suspected any weakness beneath. He was tired.
Elsa was one of the only things that made his life bearable and kept him going , he was happy with his newfound family in Arendelle , the first time he had been truly happy for a while. But it had all be snatched away by the council,  their greed for control over the Queen. Elsa wasn't someone to be ordered around , told what to do , how to feel ; she was the Queen yet they were not treating her like so.

Hans ran his hands over his face with an exasperated sigh,  frustration raw in his veins , emotions tugging at his heart , ravaging at it , picking it to pieces. He was going mad inside that cell , he was sure of it. He needed to get out before he did something stupid.  He needed Elsa. He paused his pacing at the sound of fighting breaking out above, which  caught his attention, it was rare for a circumstance like this to happen. He frowned , he hoped it was nothing too serious , that Elsa and Anna were safe.

The fighting drew closer as the hour came to a close , causing Hans to stand and glance out of the bars of the cell - only to see the southern isles colours on soldiers uniforms. His brow furrowed as he tried to understand the situation , was it war like his father had promised or something else entirely. Either way , he didn't want to find out. He was thankful for the council's approval for removal of those dastardly chains, at least , for it allowed him to break free from his cell from the southern isles invaders.

He pressed his hands against the heavy wooden door that prevented his freedom before, taking a deep breath and allowing the mental block to release , this caused his magic to surge through his body to his hands. He had mentally provided a barrier to protect the world from his powers and it took a lot of energy as a result . On the other hand it allowed him some control , not entirely but just enough to create concentrated blasts.

The door had been obliterated to ashes , he winced at his strength , to blast it to ash hadn't been the plan. He would fix that later, otherwise Elsa wouldn't be happy for the damage done to her fathers palace. He ran out into the corridor away from the source of the fighting, towards the exit that led to the edge of the palace and led to the fjord waters.
A blast of wind hit his cheeks as he stepped outside for the first time in several weeks, a sigh of content escaped his lips.

The small moment of bliss was cut short as the sounds of guards came from behind. He stepped into the water that lined the palace walls , it wasn't too cold. The water reached his knees but ,as he moved further along the castle wall perimeter ,the water level grew higher. By then, it had reached his shoulders - the salt Stung in the open gashes That decorated his back. Yet he still pushed on.

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