Where their loyalties lie

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Her wails of despair haunted the ears of the crew.
The fleet had been sailing towards the capital , Copenhagen , with help from Denmark's navy. Elsa felt horrendous guilt which wore down on her each day Hans had remained unconscious, without him to reassure  her , that everything would be fine , she felt lost. Hundreds of men were dead ,  most of the fleet suffered with injuries of some sort. Morale was low , for they hadn't expected pirates with navy level weapons and tactics , many men had lost close comrades to the sea and had to mourn as a result.

What made things worst for the crew was that their beloved commander , Admiral Westergaard was fighting for his life ; Elsa put this on her own shoulders as she should've been there to protect him, to shield his body from harm. Guilt clawed at her skin , her body squirming from the intense despair she felt ; frost had covered the walls of his cabin , whilst anger seeped into her veins , shards forming at her rage.

"Your majesty" Askel spoke softly as to not startle the Queen who had been deep in her thoughts. Her eyes shot up to meet his gaze , she nodded gesturing for him to continue. Her breath shook whilst her fingers twitched due to rampant violent thoughts clutching at her broken heart, her blue eyes no longer appeared their shocking sapphire colour , they were dull , the whites red from crying.

"We are nearing Denmark's Capital" he announces , hoping that it may boost her spirits , knowing that they may get more help. A flicker of hope grows within her at his words , she nods to acknowledge said words. Askel knelt beside her , his arms wrapping around her to provide some comfort. She lets out a sob.

"We will try our best to save him , Elsa. We've done our best so far , cleansing his wounds , stitching them closed, changing the dressing. We are trying" He explains , sadness prevalent in his trembling tone. Elsa exhales , before pulling back from his embrace , she places a reassuring hand on his cheek , then going on , to move towards Hans once gain.

She leans down and presses a sweet gentle kiss against his lips, she pulled back resetting her forehead to press to his. Her hands gently stroking his cheeks , his breathing was good as was his pulse. She just prayed that he would awaken soon.

"Hang in there my love , We will be in Copenhagen soon" tears stung her eyes , and her lips curled in as she suppressed a sob , a wave of despair crashing through her body.


"Queen Elsa, welcome to our kingdom" The Queen , Known as Caroline Amalie of Auguestenburg , spoke kindly , a grateful smile was present on her lips and a comforting presence Emanated from within her.
Elsa bows her head out of common courtesy, following royal protocol and she dare not offend a kingdom in which her men were very injured and she was vulnerable.

King Christian gently takes Queen Elsa's hand and presses a gentle kiss to her bare hand. She bows her head to him followed by a curtsey. He seemed a kind man with a warm smile.

"Arendelle thanks you for your assistance" Her voice trembles slightly , feeling intimidated by two radiant royals that would most seemingly look down on her. She winces , her pain prevalent , reminding her of her wound from her recent battle. The royals share a concerned glance with the young Queen, Elsa grows flustered under their gaze. She had to remain strong , she could not show weakness, especially in front of royals , she couldn't trust them , not yet. She felt very small under their gaze , with their elaborate gowns and intricate hairstyles , whilst she herself , wore her ice ensemble that she wore especially for travel. Her hair slung into a messy braid and the bags under her eyes told stories of what haunted her sleep.

Be strong mitt barn , elskede.

Her mother's voice echoed in her mind , the last few words that they gave to her , before their lives were selfishly taken by the south seas.

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