The Sound of silence

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Only the bitter howling of the Nordic winds could be heard on board the ship that was , once filled with light and adventure , was now filled with despair and nervous anticipation. The sails were down at this point because no one could maintain course as all the qualified men were helping out with the Admiral. A wave of sadness had overcome the entire crew- a crew that was well known for being eager and enjoyed sailing. They were at a loss all of a sudden knowing Hans had been injured severely.

Hans had taken in these young men and helped them change their lives for the better, and for that the men were eternally grateful. These men had come from poor working class families , but once they joined up with the navy , they were taught many skills that most men would not know and Hans made sure the men got good pay for them to take back for their families. The crew sat slumped on deck , only faint whispers could be heard , other than that there was silence.

The Queen was inconsolable, her entire Queenly facade had shattered as she curled up in Anna's chambers sobbing violently , ice brewing dangerously. Anna tried her best by embracing her and giving her reassuring words. Anna had made sure Kristoff was with the Admiral making sure that he was okay. Anna understood the Queen would be upset , but on this level , she never would have dreamed of it. Perhaps they had a deeper relationship between them , than what they had let everyone believe.

"You love him" Anna sighed as it all clicked as she remembered how Hans would smile at the mention of Elsa , how she snapped at Anna at the mention of suitors , how the ice thawed so quickly , Elsa leaving her room at ridiculous hours of the morning and of course Elsa's reaction to his injuries. It was all so clear , right in front of her . Anna scolded herself for not noticing sooner, she knew her sister but she couldn't piece it together- she thought that they hated each other , and only got along when they had to discuss politics together.

"Is it that obvious?" Elsa's breath hitched at being found out , her eyes were filled with shame as she came to look her sister the eyes. Anna's expression softened as she placed a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder , a warm smile growing on her lips."Sorta" she chuckled as her shoulders shrugged , she sat down on the bed whilst her head rested on her sister's tense shoulder.

"And you're okay with it?" Elsa asked with brows furrowed , how could Anna be so calm about it. She had been worried about her sister's reaction all this time , only to realise that Anna was seemingly okay with it. "Of course I would've preferred to have been told , but I trust you. I trust your decisions- and if it goes wrong I'll be here to help pick up the pieces." Anna pulled elsa into a tight hug. "Hans isn't a bad person, I actually talk to him a lot. He's a good listener. I didn't tell you though as I thought you hated each other." Anna explained with a chuckle.

Elsa smiled slightly.
"I didn't tell you as I knew the council would pester you for information and it wouldn't be fair on you" taking Anna's hands in hers.

Anna could understand why Elsa didn't tell her , the council would always ask Anna for answers and the queens private life when ever she would pass them in the hall. Anna of course would simply reply with a shrug of confusion and refuse any more questions which would be followed by Anna walking away. Elsa didn't want to burden her sister anymore than she had done all her life , Elsa felt guilty at how Anna's childhood was taken away because of her and how alone Anna had been because of her.

"I won't tell a soul, unless you want me to" Anna sashayed over towards the door , hesitantly turning the golden knob which always let out an awful squeak , this caused Anna to roll her eyes. She tried to stop that door from squeaking the way it did , she had tried using oil , asked kristoff to see if there was something wrong in the lock causing the squeak, and heck , she even asked Hans if she could remove it for the time being - his answer was no. She kicked the door only to cause her toes to throb with a dull ache - the princess grabbed her foot in pain.

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