Scolding and heartfelt secrets

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They had arrived early in the evening ; the couple practically rushed towards the Arendellian castle , bringing only the bare essentials in a case each. They had earned forlorn stares from passers by , who had seemed down. They were all mourning the loss of their militia , mourning the Queens loved one who suffered greatly.

Prince consort of corona , Eugene and his Fiancée, crown princess Rapunzel of corona , had travelled as quickly as they could so that they could visit the fatally injured Admiral of Norway , who had been ordered to remain on bed rest under guard of the official Royal Navy and the Queen herself. It was when Eugene had received such news by letter from Queen Elsa , he knew that he had to see his best friend, for the reasons of not only scolding him for putting himself at such risk , but also to check on his well being , along with keeping Hans company. It had taken around a week to arrive in Arendelle by a small fast boat from corona , they were lucky they had the autumn wind on their side.

Eugene could not believe his eyes when Queen Elsa herself had cautiously led him and his fiancée to her own chambers , in which Hans resided with four naval soldiers posted outside her door. The Queen looked pale and slightly gaunt , from the stress and fear for her fiancé. She hadn't slept out of paranoia that Askel's stitches wouldn't hold and he hadn't cauterised the bleed well enough , she had been reassured that Hans would be fine , so long as he remained on bed rest for at least a Month. The only exception for him to move was for either use of a chamber pot or if he could make it , the toilet. Elsa herself , tried to be present as much as she could to assist in his care , begrudgingly allowing Askel, Gerda and only the physician to enter.

"I'm so sorry Elsa" Rapunzel sobs with intense sorrow on her behalf , fearful and grievously upset at finding out just the extent of the situation. They had noticed the maids scrubbing the halls regularly at Elsa's command in an attempt to remove the blood stains on the floors and the walls . She wanted to cleanse the place free of the trauma and the sorrow as much as she could but to no avail. Anna had been devastated, not leaving Kristoff's side for a moment , avoiding having to interact with others , which was rare because Anna ,the social butterfly , normally loved the company of others.

"I can't believe Hans would be so careless with his life like that! But he must have had good reason , obviously he did ; he wanted to protect you and your sister. The man is crazy!" Eugene rambles.

"Trust me, Rapunzel ,Eugene. Hans has certainly had an earful off of my sister , Kristoff and I , let alone his lieutenants under his command. The council was furious and the people of Arendelle were Devestated, not just at his injury , but also those of the militia , and ones that had died defending Arendelle from the Assassins." Elsa chuckles ruefully , her ghost of a smile quickly left as sorrow and 'what ifs' , barbarically raid at her insides. Eugene knew that Hans must have been going out of his mind stuck in that room day in day out , without even the woman he loves to keep him company for she was at meetings with the council and her militia ensuring the kingdoms safety after the stunt pulled by the southern isles. He had recalled that Elsa had one of the assailants held in her dungeon under strong lock and key- Elsa had been gaining useful information from Alexandra in exchange for regular food , warmth and cleansing.

"He's asleep at the moment but feel free to sit on the chaise lounge , or the love seat for a little while just whilst I give him milk of the poppy and awake him." Elsa's voice sounded hoarse , croaky and sore , probably from the extensive crying she had been doing.

"Darling , I need to give you something for the pain" she had gently took his face in her hands , whilst her thumbs rubbed soothing circles on his cheeks to wake him. He softly stirred , his eyes flickering open with love in his eyes , green observing her ocean eyes that seemed to suck him right in, they were so blue , that he wanted to dive into them and get lost for a while. His moment of loved bliss was cut short as pain brought him back to stark reality , his lips parting as a painful gasp escaped him whilst his face contorted with pain, gritting his teeth for a moment. She frosts his bandages over to provide some relief and then brings milk of the poppy to his lips.

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