torn apart

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She had no idea how they had found out , possibly from the maids after they noticed the Queen hadn't bled that month, or one of the crewmen that alerted the council of her involvement with Hans. Her now bruised fist clenched hard as her jaw tensed. She stormed down the corridor towards the conference room. Large shards of ice tailed behind her whilst one hand rested on her abdomen absentmindedly. She stormed through the heavy doors , ice and swirling blizzards following closely behind her.
Her eyes narrowed with rage at what she saw , Hans with his hands fastened behind his back. She felt a rage she hadn't witnessed before , but it felt like ice was going to explode from her veins, her breathing became intense and her chest heaved to the point veins in her neck became prominent, blue shining from within.

"What do you think you're doing? Without my permission. I am your Queen, you work for me ." She hissed as something inside her built up into something that didn't seem too good. Hans turned his head sharply to glance at the angered Queen, his eyes widened, her entire eyes were white with no pupil to be seen, her veins glowed blue as her magic flowed within her.

"Elsa stop, you'll hurt yourself!" Anna butted in , her hands also restrained behind her back. Hans chest heaved with worry , if she wasn't careful they could lose their child and she could be seriously hurt. "You could hurt your child! Calm down the stress won't help you!" Kristoff tried to calm the Queen, unfortunately the guards that restrained him refused to let him move. Hans looked at Kristoff with great urgency , and fear of losing the only things he held dear to himself.

"What you have done is treason to the Crown!" Lord Jurgen spat at Hans In a fit of rage , his face was red with anger. Hans laughed bitterly "what I have done?!" He shook his head as he tugged against the guards grip . "I think you will find I seduced Hans , not the other way around" Elsa forewarned.

Hans struggled to hold back the flames that grew hotter by the second under his skin. His irises turned orange as the conversation. Elsa approached the men , threatening them with her ice , she reached out for Hans only to have him roughly pulled away , a dagger held to his throat. "Don't come any closer , we work for the people of Arendelle and we will kill whoever you hold dear if that's the cost to keep the people happy and you on the throne." Lord Emmerson threatened as he pressed the blade into Hans skin , causing blood to trickle down his neck.

Elsa let out a sob as two hands clasped her mouth "NO!" She begged , a man grabbed her from behind , his arm restricting airflow in her neck as he pressed a damp cloth of chloroform to her mouth. She fought desperately against it , her powers coating the mans legs arms , the floor , table chairs as tears fell violently. Then it became blurry and silent as it faded out to black. Hans desperately fought against the grip , but the dagger against his neck restricted such and he needed to live for Elsa and his child.

The men called the maids to carry the Queen back to her chambers and to lock her there. Anna sobbed violently , desperately fighting against the strong grip , the men struggled to hold her back. Kristoff at this point was trying to get to Anna as tears brimmed over.
Anna let out a wail of trauma as her entire body sunk out of the guards grip and onto the floor. Lord Emmerson released Hans from the grip of his dagger , Hans blood staining the elaborate weapon. He sunk on to his knees as he let out violent sobs at what they had done to Elsa.

"She's not purely for breeding or to be ordered around. She is the Queen , she has a heart , feelings , people who are important to her! Who are you to say who she can and can't Love ! She didn't choose this." Hans hissed as flames burst from his skin , turning his upper clothing to ash , whilst blood trickled from his neck down his bare chest. His irises glowed brighter than they had ever done before. "She doesn't deserve this!" Kristoff shouted. Lord Emmerson and lord jurgen ordered Anna and Kristoff to be in room Arrest whilst Hans was to be sent to the coldest dampest cell , the one with the chains made especially for people of magic abilities , restraining their controls of magic in their hands.

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