Chapter 2

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After their lessons with Lan Qiren, the trio was talking to each other.

"Wei-Xiong, can you teach me how to control yin energy?" Nie Huaisang whispered when the three of them were far away from other disciples.

"Yeah sure!" Wei Wuxian said happily.

"What about you Jiang Cheng, do you want to?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"Yeah...but we need to keep this a secret alri..." Jiang Cheng trailed off and a faint blush on his cheeks and his eyes were looking at someone

Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang both followed Jiang Cheng's eyes and saw Lan Xichen talking with Lan Wangi.

Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang smirk.

"Ohh~ Jiang Cheng. Do you like Young Master Lan?" Wei Wuxian ask smugly and Jiang Cheng came back to his senses and blush bright red and smack Wei Wuxian's head.

"S-Shut Up!" Jiang Cheng stuttered and look away with a huff while folding his arms.

"Jiang-Xiong I didn't know you were a cut sleeve.." Nie Huaisang said which made Jiang Cheng blush again.

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng shouted and the two began to laugh at his red face.

"Jiang Cheng don't get angry so easily or you'll get wrinkles and when you have that no one will like you even your crush~" Wei Wuxian said which made Jiang Cheng even mad he was about to hit Wei Wuxian again when a calming voice spoke.

"Greetings to you Young Master Jiang, Young Master Wei and Huaisang" Lan Xichen said with Lan Wangi behind him and the three quickly behave themselves.

"Greetings Young Master Lan and Second Master Lan" The three bow and straighten after..

"What were you talking about earlier" Lan Xichen ask his smile never leaving his face.

"Oh. We were just talking about Jiang Cheng having a crush on someone~" Wei Wuxian said and put his arm around Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

Lan Xichen was surprised for a second but shrugged it off.

"I see what is the traits that Young Master Jiang like?" Lan Xichen ask

"He likes people that has a personality like our Shijie" Wei Wuxian answered and then Nie Huaisang went beside Wei Wuxian and whispered something.

"Wei-Xiong, Lady Jiang's personality is also like Young Master Lan, except for the strong cultivation" Nie Huaisang whispered and both him and Wei Wuxian snickered.

"What are you two whispering about?" Jiang Cheng ask.

"Just some things that we need to do later..." Wei Wuxian said.

"What are we gonna do later?" Jiang Cheng ask

"About our plan." Nie Huaisang said and Jiang Cheng only nodded.

"Young Master Lan, Second Master Lan the three of us need to go because we need to do something important" Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay" Lan Xichen answered still smiling warmly and the trio left them.

"Wangi you like Young Master Wei right?" Lan Xichen ask while smiling at his brother whom he can read its emotions.

"Mn and you like Jiang Wanyin" Lan Wangi said which got his brother surprised but smiled anyways and nodded.

"Xiongzhang, Lady Jiang and you have the same traits except for your strong cultivation" Lan Wangi said which made Lan Xichen shock.

One Lan Wangi said a full sentence and two he also realized that Jiang Yanli and him are some what the same.

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