Chapter 21

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After leaving Wen Chao, Wei Wuxian had also transported to Gusu.

He saw Lan Xichen, Qingheng-Jun and Lan Qiren with the Lan disciples helping the other disciples and heir.

Lan Xichen was talking to the replica of Jiang Wanyin.

Wei Wuxian walk towards them.

"Xichen-Ge" Wei Wuxian bow.

"Oh, A-Xian you're back" Lan Xichen said and smiled.

"I was just talking to Wanyin here" Lan Xichen added.

"I apologize Xichen-ge but Jiang Cheng is not here" Wei Wuxian said and the replica disappeared into thin air.

Lan Xichen was surprised.

"W-what?" Lan Xichen ask.

"He looked pale when I saw him while we were walking in the mountain so I transported him to Burial Mounds" Wei Wuxian explained and Lan Xichen frown.

"Is he okay?" Lan Xichen ask with concerned and worried expression showing on his face.

"Qing-jie is taking care of him so I guess he's oka-" Wei Wuxian was cut off when he felt a talisman burned inside his qiankun pouch.

"Uhh I need to go now Xichen-Ge please say hi to Shifu and A-Die!" Wei Wuxian said quickly before he disappeared.


Wei Wuxian appeared outside the cave in his Yilling Patriarch robes.

"Gege" Wen Ning called to him.

"What happened?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"Master Liu is here, in Jiang Wanyin's room. Demon Lord Luo Binghe and Master Shen is also here" Wen Ning explain as they went inside.

"Da-Ge, Shen-Ge" Wei Wuxian called at the two sitting with Lan Wangi who was reading a book while drinking tea.

"Welcome back A-Ying" Lan Wangi said as he put the book down.

"Mn. Now, what are you three doing here?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"I just came here to visit my youngest brother!" Luo Binghe exclaim as he stood up and hug Wei Wuxian.

"I miss you too Da-Ge, Shen-Ge a little help please" Wei Wuxian said almost out of breath.

Shen Qingqiu sigh and stood up and pat Luo Binghe's head.

"Binghe please let your brother breath, his wife need him" Shen Qingqiu said and Luo Binghe let go of Wei Wuxian.

"Why is Liu-GeGe also here?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"He wants to see Jiang Wanyin" Shen Qingqiu answered

"What happened to A-Yin?" A voice ask.

Wei Wuxian turn around and saw Liu Qingge walking inside the room with his unfazed look on his face.

"What?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"Why is he unconscious and pale and he looks a little weak?" Liu Qingge ask as he grip his fist.

Wei Wuxian sigh, Liu Qingge can be overprotective to Jiang Wanyin considering the two had gotten close after their first meeting.

"Don't worry Liu-GeGe, A-Cheng is fine, he's just a little ill" Wei Wuxian replied while sweating bullets.

Liu Qingge didn't seem to believe him.

If he were to tell Liu Qingge that Jiang Wanyin is pregnant then he doesn't know what we'll happen to Lan Xichen.

" see-" Wei Wuxian was cut off when another person walk inside the room.

"He's pregnant Master Liu" Wen Qing spoke.

Liu Qingge look down, he grip his fist tighter and Wei Wuxian gulp.

"L-Liu-GeGe before you do anything, you should listen to A-Cheng first-" Wei Wuxian was once again cut off by Liu Qingge asking who was the father.

"..." Wei Wuxian was debating on telling Liu Qingge or not.

"Tell me" Liu Qingge said and Wei Wuxian sigh.

"Promise, you won't tell A-Cheng" Wei Wuxian said and Lou Qingge nodded.

"Fine, it's his lover Lan Xichen and he's also A-Zhan's older brother." Wei Wuxian said.

"Before you do anything Master Liu...just please wait for A-Cheng, we don't want him to be stress since he's carrying a child" Wen Qing said and Liu Qingge nodded before sighing.

"If that bastard hurt A-Yin, I swear I'll kill him" Liu Qingge threatened.

Lan Wangi just hum and drink his tea.

"Xiongzhang will take responsibility of this.." Lan Wangi spoke after outting his tea cup down.

"I'll have someone make sure that A-Yin is always safe" Liu Qingge said before exiting the room.

"*Sigh* sorry about him A-Ying..."Shen Qingqiu said as he fan himself.

"I was looking for Huaisang and we were supposed to have tea, but I couldn't find him anywhere" Shen Qingqiu said.

"He's in the art room" Wei Wuxian replied and Shen Qingqiu nodded before he too exited the room.

"What about you Da-Ge, aren't you going to follow Shen-Ge?" Wei Wuxian ask Luo Binghe who was still standing up.

"I'm going outside and have some time with my nephews" Luo Binghe said and exited the room.

"Jiang Wanyin is all better now..but still a little pale, he needs more nutrients" Wen Qing said and Wei Wuxian nodded.

"Tell me when he's awake Qing-Jie, thank you" Wei Wuxian said and smiled at her before she exited the room.

Wei Wuxian then sat behind Lan Wangi and pulled him to his lap.

"A-Zhan I miss you" Wei Wuxian said and kissed Lan Wangi's neck which he earn a low moan from his wife.

"How were you?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"I'm fine, the kids missed you" Lan Wangi replied and turn his head a little and snuggled closer to Wei Wuxian's chest.

"I missed them too" Wei Wuxian said.

"Is Master Liu gonna do something to Xiongzhang?" Lan Wangi ask and Wei Wuxian shook his head.

"Liu-GeGe is a calm person at times, I'm sure he'll not do anything to Xichen-Ge as long as Xichen-Ge doesn't hurt A-Cheng" Wei Wuxian said.

"I'm sure Xiongzhang won't hurt Jiang Wanyin" Lan Wangi stated and Wei Wuxian hum in response.

"I'm going to be free for a while...maybe months until the real war. Maybe after our baby is born" Wei Wuxian said and caressed Lan Wangi's stomach rubbing it softly.

"What about the attack of Lotus Pier?" Lan Wangi ask.

"I'm sure Lotus Pier will be okay, considering that Wen Chao and all other Wens is inside the cave with no where out and I also hid the cave where no one can see it" Wei Wuxian explained feeling proud and Lan Wangi shifted in his lap and turn his attention to Wei Wuxian and kissed his cheek.

"You did good" Lan Wangi said and smiled at Wei Wuxian who cooed at him at how cute his wife when smiling.


A/N : I apologize for this shitty chapter....I accidentally deleted the original one and I had to rewrite everything in my memory which I clearly forgot almost everything...and I also wrote this very fast so I also apologize if I made some spellings wrong or my grammar doesn't make sense.

Feel free to comment where I did wrong. I appreciate you all reading this💖

Thank you for reading this💖💖💖

Stay safe and Healthy everyone 💖💖💖

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