Chapter 14

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Weeks has past after that day.

Lan Wangi was siting in the living room reading a book with snacks and tea in front of him.

He was calmly reading his book when suddenly someone entered the room.

"A-Niang! Bobo Xichen is here!" Wei Fang's voice was heard exclaiming.

"Keep your voice down A-Fang" Lan Wangi said and put his book down on the table and stood up.

"Xiongzhang" Lan Wangi said as he bow then straighten.

"How are you Wangi?" Lan Xichen ask and Lan Wangi sat back down and Lan Xichen sat in front of him.

"I'm fine Xiongzhang" Lan Wangi answered.

"Where's A-Xian and A-Yang?" Lan Xichen ask. Wei Fang had got a cookie and began to eat it.

"They're in the cold room forming A-Yang's golden core...I heard from A-Ying that A-Yang could control little resentful energy" Lan Wangi said.

"Resentful energy?" Lan Xichen ask.

"Mn. A-Ying will train him to control it properly when he forms his golden core" Lan Wangi said.

"Well that's good to know and how's the baby?" Lan Xichen ask.

"We're both doing good Xiongzhang" Lan Wangi said and smiled.

"A-Niang! Bobo Xichen!" Wei Yang's voice was heard and they saw him in Wei Wuxian's arms.

Wei Wuxian put him down as he ran to the Twin Jades.

"A-Niang, Bobo Xichen I already form my golden core!" Wei Yang exclaim which surprised the twin jades.

"That's good to know A-Yang" Lan Wangi said as he smiled at Wei Yang and ruffles his hair.

"What's a golden core?" Wei Fang ask.

"It's like a gold ball but inside here and when I grow up I will be strong and can fly a sword!" Wei Yang exclaim and Wei Fang's eyes sparkled.

"Really?!" Wei Fang exclaim and Wei Yang nodded.

"Can I form my own golden core?" Wei Fang ask and then look up at Wei Wuxian and then Lan Wangi.

"Of course you can" Lan Wangi said.

"I can also help you A-Fang!" Wei Yang said.

"You both will come with me in the morning in the cold room" Wei Wuxian said.

"Thank you A-Die!" Wei Yang and Wei Fang both exclaim in sync.

"Now what about you two go outside and play" Wei Wuxian said and they nodded before running off.

"Xichen-Ge what brings you here?" Wei Wuxian ask as he sat down next to his wife.

"I'm just visiting here and checking you all." Lan Xichen said with a gentle smile plastered on his face.

"Eh.. where's A-Cheng and A-Sang?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"They said that they need to go and get something from Lady...I never heard her name.." Lan Xichen said and Wei Wuxian already knew where the two are.

"Oh they're just visiting our friend, they'll be back" Wei Wuxian said.

"Okay" Lan Xichen simply stated.

"Xichen-Ge, I'm not allowing A-Zhan to go to Qinshan Wen" Wei Wuxian said and Lan Xichen nodded while sipping his tea.

"But since he's needed there because the Wens would be suspicious as to why isn't Second Young Master Lan attending, the silver wrath will do it's job" Wei Wuxian said.

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