Chapter 13

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They arrived in Burial Mounds with Lan Xichen with them.

Nie Huaisang was already there when he heard the news, he and the Wen Siblings was in the entrance.

"Welcome back and Welcome to burial mounds Zewu-jun" Wen Qing and Wen Ning said.

"Congratulations Wei-Xiong, Wangi-Xiong!" Nie Huaisang exclaim as he walk to them and closed his fan and smiled.

"Thank you Huaisang" Lan Wangi and Wei Wuxian both said.

"Hehe Sang-Ge! Look these two look exactly like A-Niang and A-Die!" Wei Fang exclaim.

"That's great!" Nie Huaisang said and gave Wei Fang a thumbs up.

"So this is the burial mounds...I can feel the strong resentful energy from here" Lan Xichen said.

"No need to worry Zewu-jun, it's actually safe to go inside, the resentful energy won't hurt anybody who doesn't have any bad intention" Wen Ning said.

"Xiongzhang it's the truth" Lan Wangi said and Lan Xichen just sigh and smiled at Lan Wangi.

"Fine" Lan Xichen.

"Zewu-jun what about we head inside and have tea before you come back to Gusu?" Wei Wuxian ask and Lan Xichen nodded.

All of them started walking inside burial mounds until they reach where the Wens was residing.

Wei Fang and Wei Yang had been put down and ran to the other kids that was playing who great them back and started playing.

"The kids will be playing for a bit, let's go inside the cave" Wei Wuxian said as they headed to the cave.

"I'll prepare the tea for all of you" Wen Ning said.

"I'll help you A-Ning" Nie Huaisang said and Wen Ning blushed and nodded and both of them walk away.

The other just continue walking inside and went to the living room and sit comfortably.

"A-Ying...I want to eat something sweet" Lan Wangi suddenly spoke.

"What kinds of sweet?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"Anything" Lan Wangi said and Wei Wuxian smiled and snap his fingers and a tray full of sweets had appeared on the table.

Lan Wangi's eyes sparkled and smiled which got Lan Xichen surprised, this was the very first time he saw his younger brother smile since the death of their mother.

"Thank you husband" Lan Wangi said and kissed Wei Wuxian on the cheeks who cooed on Lan Wangi's cuteness.

"You're soo cute my wife" Wei Wuxian said.

Lan Xichen sputtered upon what Lan Wangi and Wei Wuxian had been doing in front of him.

"Don't worry... they're like that every time" Jiang Cheng said.

Lan Wangi began to eat the sweets one by one.

"Don't eat too much Wangi or it'll hurt the baby" Wen Qing warn and Lan Wangi nodded.

After a few minutes Wen Ning and Nie Huaisang arrive with the tea.

They placed the tea on the table.

"Zewu-jun...I'll explain everything to you about what will happen, I hope you'll believe me as much as Sect Leader Nie" Wei Wuxian said.

"Wait Da-Ge knows?" Lan Xichen ask.

"He doesn't know we're married and have children but he knows everything that I'm going to explain to you right now" Wei Wuxian said.

"Okay...I'll listen" Lan Xichen said and Jiang Cheng smiled faintly at him.

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