Edited Wedding

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Lan Wangi slowly walk through the red carpet that had been prepared.

The Burial Mounds was covered in red. ( Not Blood. )

Wei Wuxian was holding his tears of happiness as he saw Lan Wangi walk towards him slowly.

Lan Wangi reach Wei Wuxian and Wei Wuxian held his hand and kiss it lovingly.

The two of them kneel to the red cushions.

"Now bow three times" Wen Qing had said and the two bow at the same time.

(I don't know about Chinese weddings because I haven't attend nor see one and I didn't research - I just edited some stuff)

"Now it's done, we can begin the after wedding ceremony" Nie Huaisang said.

Wei Wuxian stood up and help Lan Wangi.

Wei Wuxian led Lan Wangi inside the cave.

Wei Wuxian had Wen Qing send Lan Wangi to the chambers to wait for him until he was done drinking with the guest.

They had extended the cave and made a dinning room so big it could fit hundreds of people.

Wei Wuxian sat in the front.

Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang sat a little distance from him.

Wen Qing and Wen Ning at the opposite side of Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang.

The Wens sat together in a long table in front of Wei Wuxian.

There was a big feast.

Everyone began to eat when Wei Wuxian took the first bite.

( I seriously don't know anything about wedding ceremony )

After eating some of the Wens gave Wei Wuxian some gifts fro him and for Lan Wangi.

"Wei-Xiong, you'll need this to not get Wangi-Xiong hurt" Nie Huaisang said as he slip a black bottle to Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian got the message and took the bottle from Nie Huaisang and put it inside his sleeves.

"Here Wine." Jiang Cheng stated as he gave the two of them five gars of wine.

Wei Wuxian's eyes sparkled as he recognize the wine.

It was emperor's smile.

"Thank you Cheng Cheng!" Wei Wuxian exclaim.

"Again! Don't call me Cheng Cheng!" Jiang Cheng said as he huff and walk away from them.

"We wish you a happy marriage Wei Wuxian" Wen Qing said as both her and Wen Ning bow.

"Thank you Qing-Jie, A-Ning" Wei Wuxian said.

Wei Wuxian then stood up.

"Everyone thank you all for helping and attending my wedding with my new wife, but I must excuse myself now and you may also" Wei Wuxian said and the Wens just smiled at him and Congratulated him one last time before he walk outside the dining hall.

Wei Wuxian fast walk to his chambers and open the door and there he saw Lan Wangi sitting on the bed with his veil still covering his face.

Wei Wuxian smiled and closed the door and put some silencing talismans and a barrier before he walk closer to Lan Wangi.

"A-Zhan" Wei Wuxian called and Lan Wangi look up to him with his still covered face.

Wei Wuxian then slowly lift the red veil from Lan Wangi's face.

Wei Wuxian was surprised at Lan Wangi's glorious beauty.

"You look beautiful A-Zhan" Wei Wuxian said as he put his hand on Lan Wangi's chin.

"I love you A-Zhan" Wei Wuxian said as he smile lovingly at Lan Wangi.

"I love you too A-Ying" Lan Wangi said and smiled back.

Wei Wuxian then lean in and kissed Lan Wangi softly.

Wei Wuxian pushed Lan Wangi to the bed without breaking the kiss that has become a hot make out session.

Wei Wuxian made their clothes disappeared in just a snap of his fingers.

Lan Wangi blushed bright red when he saw himself and Wei Wuxian both naked on the bed.

Lan Wangi covered his face.

"Don't be shy my lovely wife" Wei Wuxian said as he took Lan Wangi's hands away from his face and kissed his hands and then he kissed Lan Wangi on the lips again.

- And you know how it went -

{ ° Sorry I'm still not writing it ° }


A/N : Ok this is just an edited Wedding.

Thank you for all the information you give me from the comments❤️❤️❤️

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