Chapter 26

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"Jiang Cheng you're here!" Wei Wuxian exclaim as he went to his brother and hug him.

"How are you and the baby?" Wei Wuxian ask as he then pulled away.

"Doing fine I guess...why are you and the kids here?" Jiang Wanyin ask.

"Oh. We just came to visit and A-Zhan is almost close" Wei Wuxian said as he chuckled.

"Xiongzhang, Jiang Wanyin" Lan Wangji spoke as he made his way towards his husband.

"Lan Wangji" "Wangji"

Both Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin said as Lan Xichen went to his younger brother.

"Did you think of names already?" Lan Xichen ask.

Lan Wangji smiled then nodded.

"If it's both boys we're naming them Wei Yuan and Wei Bao" Wei Wuxian replied.

"That's great names but what if it's a boy and a girl?" Lan Xichen ask.

"The girl will be named Xing..." Lan Wangji said and smiled faintly.

"That's a nice name for a baby girl Wangji." Lan Xichen smiled.

"Xichen-Ge what will you name yours?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"We haven't thought much about it...have you Wanyin?" Lan Xichen ask looking at Jiang Wanyin.

"I've thought about it and already choose the names." Jiang Wanyin said.

"You didn't told me" Lan Xichen said.

"You never ask dummy." Jiang Wanyin said sitting down.

"Well what name did you choose A-Cheng?" Wei Wuxian ask.

"For a girl...I choose Ai Courtesy Xiang and for the boy I choose Yi Courtesy Jingyi." Jiang Wanyin said.

"That's great names you have Wanyin" Lan Xichen said and gave Jiang Wanyin a peck on his cheeks.

Jiang Wanyin blushed and push Lan Xichen away.


°Time Skip Cause your Author doesn't have any ideas anymore and just forcing herself to update for all of you💗°

The war has started. Lotus Pier is save, same as Gusu and Qinghe.

These three Sects had survive the attack from the Wen Clan and four of the Yin Iron pieces was with Wei Wuxian in burial mounds.

Now they were fighting for real. They formed a plan to attack Wen Clan and bring their clan down to the ground and leave it to ruins.

Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao was their planner and everyone agreed to their plans.

Wei Wuxian would be in front because he was the strongest of all of them and that got Nie Mingjue confuse.

"Why would you put your friend in front Huaisang?" Nie Mingjue ask.

"Don't worry Da-Ge. Wei-Xiong got this" Nie Huaisang said and Nie Mingjue just nodded but still suspicious.

"Don't be suspicious Mingjue. Master Wei will be okay" Meng Yao said and Nie Mingjue could only sigh.

Jiang Wanyin and Lan Wangji weren't permitted to join the war as Lan Wangji was super close to giving birth and Jiang Wanyin was at a dangerous state of pregnancy that could lead to miscarriage.

Madam Yu and Sect Leader Jiang had accepted Jiang Wanyin being pregnant.

These two parents were not fighting anymore and Jiang Fengmian would show his love to Madam Yu freely and Madam Yi returning it.

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