Chapter 16

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A/N : I for one is confuse on my story...sorry about that.

The kids will call them :

Lan Wangi : A-Niang
Wei Wuxian : A-Die

Lan Xichen : Bobo Xichen
Jiang Wanyin : Jiang-JiuJiu
Nie Huaisang : Sang-Ge
Wen Ning : Ning-Ge
Qingheng-Jun : Grandpa
Lan Qiren : Granduncle
Jiang Fengmian : Granduncle Jiang.

Jiang Yanli : Aunt Yanli
Wen Qing : Aunt Qing
Madam Yu : Madam Yu (as usual)

I think I'll change Madam Yu's calling from the kids in the future.


After Qingheng-Jun met his Grandchildren they went out of Lanshi.

Wei Yang had already like his Grandfather and was playing with him along with his brother.

Lan Xichen was with Jiang Wanyin talking with each other.

Nie Huaisang left to go to the Unclean Realm.

The XianWang was just watching their children play and talk to their Grandfather.

Nightfall came and they were all in the dining hall eating peacefully.

Wei Fang was talking to Wei Yang with his mouth full which he got a scolding from Lan Wangi.

Qingheng-Jun had erased a lot of unnecessary No talking while eating, No noise and many more that isn't necessary.

The Lan elders had first dejected the idea but they couldn't do anything since Qingheng-Jun is the Clan Leader and probably stronger than any of them.

After dinner XianWang and the two kids bid there goodnight and went to Jingshi.

The kids sleep at the other room connected to Lan Wangi's room.

In the middle of the night Lan Wangi and Wei Wuxian woke up to hear noises in the children's room.

They both quickly got up and went to the room only to see Wei Yang had woke up and was crying.

Wei Yang noticed the two of them and quickly stood up and ran to the two and hug them tight.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangi kneeled and hug Wei Yang back while rubbing circles in his back and whispers nothing but sweet to the little child who clearly woke up due to a nightmare.

"Calm down now, we're here" Wei Wuxian said as he pick up Wei Yang and stood up.

Lan Wangi put his hand on Wei Yang's back.

"I'll go get some water for him" Lan Wangi said and Wei Wuxian nodded and Lan Wangi exited the room.

Wei Wuxian sat on the bed. He used resentful energy to carefully roll Wei Fang to the other side and put back his blanket that was kick away from him.

"Now...can you tell me what happened?" Wei Wuxian ask and Wei Yang looked at him with red puffy eyes.

" my nightmare...I saw a blind Daozhang...he was very kind and generous...he gave me a candy in my sleep....we were also hanging out with a blind girl...then...i-it all beca-came bloody and t-the b-blind Daozhang h-had k-killed h-himself in front of m-me..." Wei Yang explain everything in his nightmare which shock Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian knew that wasn't a nightmare...if anything that was a vision that will happen in the future if they hadn't took Wei Yang in.

Wei Wuxian kept comforting him until Lan Wangi came back with a cup of water in his hands.

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