Chapter 23

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Wei Fang and Wei Yang fell asleep in Lan Wangji's lap.

The two of them wanted to be the first person that their new brother could see when he wakes up.

The little boy was still sleeping on the bed.

By now, Wei Wuxian was healing his injuries. Leaving no scars behind.

After a while he was done and the little boy had to scars, bruises or cuts anymore, all has been healed.

"When will he wake up?" Lan Wangji ask as he played with Wei Fang and Wei Yang's hair.

"He'll be awake soon, maybe before dinner" Wei Wuxian said and Lan Wangji nodded.

"How about this two, should I put them in their rooms?" Wei Wuxian ask and Lan Wangji shake his head no.

"No need, they said to wake them up when the little boy is awake." Lan Wangji replied and Wei Wuxian nodded and walk towards him.

"I love you so much A-Zhan and the kids" Wei Wuxian said as he pick up Wei Yang and let him sleep on his chest.

Wei Wuxian kissed Wei Yang's forehead and loosen his hair.

"A-Zhan, have you thought of a name for our soon to be baby yet?" Wei Wuxian ask and Lan Wangji look at him before nodding.

"Mn. If it's a boy, I'll name him A-Yuan. If it's a girl, I'll name her A-Xing." Lan Wangji said and Wei Wuxian kissed his forehead.

"They're lovely names. Wei Yuan and Wei Xing" Wei Wuxian said.

Jiang Wanyin was going to go to Gusu and visit Lan Xichen because he felt bad and also he missed him.

Once he arrived the lan disciples bow and he bow back at them.

Jiang Wanyin reach Hanshi and knock on a door and the door was open by Lan Xichen.

"Hello what can I help yo-" Lan Xichen cut his sentence when he saw who was at the door.

"A-Huan...I-" Jiang Wanyin got cut off when Lan Xichen suddenly hug him and he hug him back.

"Sorry for not visiting you and for bot being there when you visited the burial mounds" Jiang Wanyin said and Lan Xichen pulled away.

"It's fine. At least I know that you're safe" Lan Xichen said as he cup Jiang Wanyin's cheeks with both hands and lean in and caught his lips.

Jiang Wanyin was surprised at first but then he kissed back.

Lan Xichen bit his lips asking for entrance but Jiang Wanyin denied him and pulled away panting.

"What about we go inside, I don't want to make out with you in public" Jiang Wanyin said and Lan Xichen smiled at him before he picked up Jiang Wanyin who gasp in surprised.

"Put me down now!" Jiang Wanyin shouted but Lan Xichen didn't listen and continue to carry him inside.

Once he was inside, he locked his door and walk to his bed and put Jiang Wanyin softly on the bed.

"You-" Jiang Wanyin got cut off again by a pair of soft lips against his.

He moan in response and kissed Lan Xichen back with his hands on the Lan Xichen's neck.

Lan Xichen bit his lip asking for permission again, but this time Jiang Wanyin opened his mouth and Lan Xichen's tongue entered Jiang Wanyin's mouth.

The two of them battled for dominance and of course Lan Xichen won as his tongue explored Jiang Wanyin's hot tavern.

Lan Xichen then pulled away from the heated make out session and attacked Jiang Wanyin's neck, kissing and leaving marks all over.

Jiang Wanyin was moaning and gripping Lan Xichen's shoulder.

"A-ahh~... Hmmm~ A-Huan~" Jiang Wanyin's moans was turning Lan Xichen on as he slowly took Jiang Wanyin's robes off of him.

Lan Xichen then pinch Jiang Wanyin's nipple with his other hand and suck on the other.

Jiang Wanyin was moaning loudly, luckily Lan Xichen had already put a silencing talisman in his room.

Jiang Wanyin too slowly undress Lan Xichen while the man was sucking and pinching his nipples.

Lan Xichen's hand then reach at the back of Jiang Wanyin and went lower until it had found Jiang Wanyin's ass.

Lan Xichen squeeze his ass which he earn a gasp from Jiang Wanyin who was drooling and moaning on his shoulders.

Lan Xichen take his hands back and let Jiang Wanyin to suck on it as his other hand wrap itself into Jiang Wanyin's dick.

( Oh hell- I feel embarrassed 😳)

Jiang Wanyin moaned loudly as Lan Xichen began to rub his hand up and down in Jiang Wanyin's dick sending pleasure through Jiang Wanyin's body.

Lan Xichen rub Jiang Wanyin's dick faster as he felt Jiang Wanyin about to come.

Jiang Wanyin then moan loudly and came in Lan Xichen's hand.

Lan Xichen pulled his hand out of Jiang Wanyin's mouth and reach for Jiang Wanyin's bottom.

He push a finger inside and slowly rub it earning a loud moan from Jiang Wanyin.

"Aaaahhh~ ngh..~ " Jiang Wanyin moan loudly as Lan Xichen puts another finger inside him and he grips on Lan Xichen's back.

Lan Xichen moved his two fingers inside Jiang Wanyin making a scissoring motion.

By now Jiang Wanyin was moaning and breathing heavily.

Lan Xichen kissed him and slide his tongue inside exploring every bit of Jiang Wanyin's mouth.

After a while of fingering Jiang Wanyin, Lan Xichen pulled his fingers out and lay Jiang Wanyin on his back as he align his dick in Jiang Wanyin's hole.

Lan Xichen then began to put it in slowly as to not hurt Jiang Wanyin who moan loudly when he felt Lan Xichen's dick enter him.

Once fully inside he kissed Jiang Wanyin's forehead.

"A-Huan~ ngh~" Jiang Wanyin moan as Lan Xichen began to move slowly.

Jiang Wanyin scratch Lan Xichen's back making red scratches.

Lan Xichen groan when Jiang Wanyin scratch his back as he fasten his movements pounding hard on Jiang Wanyin who moan loudly and scratch his back again.

"Aaah~ Aahh~ A-Hu-Huan!~" Jiang Wanyin moan even louder and Lan Xichen kissed him passionately.

After a while of Lan Xichen pounding hard and fast on Jiang Wanyin he came inside and Jiang Wanyin moan loudly as he also came on his and Lan Xichen's stomach.

Lan Xichen took out his dick from Jiang Wanyin's hole panting heavily, just then cum came oozing out of Jiang Wanyin's wreck hole.

"I-I'm go-gonna kill yo-you" Jiang Wanyin said while panting heavily as he covered his eyes with his arms.

Lan Xichen then lay beside him and put his arms around Jiang Wanyin's waist.

"You liked it though" Lan Xichen response which he got a glare from Jiang Wanyin.

Lan Xichen chuckled and kissed Jiang Wanyin's head before pulling the covers over their naked and sticky bodies.

"Let's sleep and clean tomorrow" Lan Xichen said and Jiang Wanyin bury his face into his chest.

"I love you" Lan Xichen said lovingly.

"I-I love you t-too" Jiang Wanyin response which made Lan Xichen happy as he pulled Jiang Wanyin's face and kissed him.

They pulled away and Jiang Wanyin quickly bury his face back into Lan Xichen's chest to hide his red face.


A/N : I'm so embarrassed writing that I'm shouting alone in my house.🤭

Thank you for reading my story...I apologize if I made some mistakes such as wrong spellings and wrong grammars.

Feel free to comment💝💝💝
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Stay safe and Healthy 💝

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