Chapter 24

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Jiang Wanyin woke up due to his urge to throw up as he quickly sat up and jump out of the bed... completely naked and run towards the bathroom.

All that movements woke Lan Xichen and also run after Jiang Wanyin into the bathroom.

Lan Xichen rub Jiang Wanyin's back as Jiang Wanyin keep throwing up.

After a good 15 minutes of throwing up Lan Xichen had carried Jiang Wanyin and put him on a tub and fill it with water as he bath his lover.

"I'm going to call a doctor for you after this..." Lan Xichen said and Jiang Wanyin looked at him.

"No...I already know what's wrong with me...this happens every fucking morning" Jiang Wanyin said which shock Lan Xichen.

"why didn't you told me and how long?" Lan Xichen ask and Jiang Wanyin looked away.

"I wasn't ready and one month..." Jiang Wanyin mumbled but Lan Xichen heard him.

"A month?" Lan Xichen ask and Jiang Wanyin nodded.

"What's wrong with you? Are you dying? Are you ill?" Lan Xichen keep asking questions before he was shut off by Jiang Wanyin kissing him on the lips.

Jiang Wanyin pulled away and glared at Lan Xichen.

"I'll answer all your questions later..." Jiang Wanyin said and Lan Xichen got no choice but to nod his head.


"Da-Ge! Me and Er-Ge brought candies for you!" Wei Fang exclaim as both him and Wei Yang entered their new older brother's room.

By now Wei Yang is an Er-Ge no longer Da-Ge cause the little boy is much older than him.

"Take it slow A-Fang, A-Yu is still recovering, your Father may healed his injuries but he's still recovering." Wen Qing said and Wei Fang nodded as he drag Wei Yang towards their new older brother.

Mo Xuanyu now the name is Wei Xuanyu...a day has pass after Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian took Wei Xuanyu in and adopted him as theirs.

When he first woke up, he was greeted by an excited Wei Fang and a smiling Wei Yang and was immediately embraced by his new found younger siblings.

After a day Wei Xuanyu was smiling happily while eating candies with his two younger siblings.

"How are you right now Da-Ge?" Wei Yang ask as he opened a candy and put it on his mouth.

"I'm doing fine now...unlike yesterday" Wei Xuanyu replied and pick a candy and unwrap it and put it in his mouth.

"I'll be leaving you three here, your parents will be here later to check on A-Yu" Wen Qing said before leaving the room.

"Now aunt Qing is gone let's have-" before Wei Fang could finish his sentence the door open again.

"And don't do anything reckless or I'll have my needles on you" Wen Qing said and light glare at the three.

"Fine..." The three both said and nodded their heads before Wen Qing leave and closed the door.

"Let's just stay here and tell Da-Ge about our home and A-Die and A-Niang!" Wei Fang exclaim and Wei Yang nodded and so the two began to tell stories to their older brother.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji entered the room and saw the three kids sleeping together in the bed...Wei Fang between the two and his older brothers were hugging him.

Candy wrappers were on the ground.

"They're so cute A-Zhan...our kids are so cute" Wei Wuxian whispered and kissed Lan Wangji's cheeks.

"Mn they are.." Lan Wangji agreed.

"Let's leave them be and wake them up for lunch" Lan Wangji said as both him and Wei Wuxian left the room.


"Wanyin...please tell me." Lan Xichen pleaded...both him and Jiang Wanyin were fully dressed and was sitting on the bed.

Lan Xichen was holding Jiang Wanyin's hand.

"I...I'm p-pregnant for One month already.." Jiang Wanyin said as he looked down...Lan Xichen was shock to hear the words that came out of Jiang Wanyin's mouth.

"W-what?" Lan Xichen stuttered and then he heard soft sobs coming from the man in front of him.

Lan Xichen then put his hand on Jiang Wanyin's cheeks and pull it towards him so he can see the look of his lover.

Lan Xichen gently wipe the tears that was streaming down his lover's beautiful face.

"Why are you crying Wanyin?" Lan Xichen ask.

"Are you going to leave me?" Jiang Wanyin ask between sobs...Lan Xichen was shock to hear that as he smiled gently and kissed Jiang Wanyin's rolling tears.

"Why would I leave you?" Lan Xichen ask after pulling away.

"I don't know..." Jiang Wanyin responded and Lan Xichen chuckled.

"It's not funny..!" Jiang Wanyin hissed at him and Lan Xichen stop and smiled warmly at Jiang Wanyin.

"Ok...just know that I will never ever leave you, I'll be here with you forever" Lan Xichen said which melted the heart of Jiang Wanyin as he slowly showed a smiled as he quickly pulled Lan Xichen on a hug.

"Thank you..." Jiang Wanyin said as he pulled away and kissed Lan Xichen's cheeks.

"I love you Wanyin" Lan Xichen said and kissed Jiang Wanyin's forehead.

"I love you too A-Huan..." Jiang Wanyin mumbled but Lan Xichen heard it clearly.


A/N : I apologize for the short chapter...if you read my announcement in my profile, thank you for understanding 💝💝💝

I deeply apologize if I made mistakes in this story💝

Stay safe and healthy 💝💝💝
And Thank you once again

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