Chapter twenty-two: The Search
(Amy's POV)
I opened my eyes and found myself back home, I looked around I saw everyone standing in a group. No, one was missing, where was Ace? "Ace?" I asked, there was no answer, was he still on Nocturne, no that wasn't possible. He was near the rest of us when Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Skates used Chaos Control. "Could he have been teleported somewhere else?" I asked, Skates was just staring at the ground. "I don't think he made." Skates said. "No. Ace wouldn't have died so easily." I said a bit angrily. "Ace isn't invincible. Even if he did get that much stronger. His body was weakened from that." Skates said. "SHUT UP!" I shouted angrily. "I'm going to look for him." I said and walked out the front door.
It had been a few days since Ace went missing, I've looked all over town and even in nearby towns. I woke up early this morning to head out and look for him again, most of the others were still asleep so I quietly crept out the door. Today I decided to look in the forest nearby, I walked straight ahead through the forest until I arrived at the lake. Something caught my eye, I could see something red on the other side. I ran around the lake until I got to the other side, I found Ace lying on the ground, he aw still alive. I rushed over to him and kneeled down beside him, "Ace, wake up please." I said. He began moving slightly and opened his eyes, he looked over at me and I hugged him. "I knew you were ok. Please don't ever do that again." I said, he wasn't hugging me back he just sat there, "Um...who are you?" He asked. I stopped hugging him, "What do you mean. It's me. Amy." I said, he stared at the ground and said, "I'm sorry. I don't remember anything. Not even my name."
"Do you know who I am?" Ace asked, "Yes, you're... a friend of mine." I said, "You called me Ace right? That's my name isn't it." Ace said. "Yes, come, I'll take you home." I said, "Thank you." Ace said, we both got up and began walking in the direction to get out of the forest. "How did I end up in this forest?" Ace asked, "You were fighting." I said, "And I lost so I ended up here and lost my memory right?" Ace asked. "No, you were incredible, you protected all of us, you were even willing to risk your life to do so." I said and smiled at him. "Who is 'all of us'?" Ace asked, "The rest of our friends. You were always like that" I said, "After we had defeated the opponent. He tried to kill at least one of us by shooting a blast of energy but you jumped in front of it. It hit you at the same time that we all teleported back home." I said. "Wait a second. Teleport? You can teleport?" Ace asked, "No, not me there are five of us that can, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Skates and you. It's a technique called Chaos Control, though it usually requires a Chaos Emerald." I said. I could tell he was confused, "Maybe I should explain this later" I said, Ace smiled at me and nodded. We were now out of the forest and head in the direction of the house, we arrived at the house in a few minutes and opened the door.
We both walked inside the house, "I live here?" Ace asked, "Yeah, actually we all do. Guys Ace is back!" I shouted up the stairs. Everyone came running down to greet him, "Hold on a second guys, shouldn't we let Skates know?" I asked, Tails quickly used his wrist communicator and said into it, "Ace is back." Skates then appeared right in front of us. "Ace, you're ok." Skates said smiling, "Hang on a sec guys there's something you should know. Ace doesn't remember anything." I said. Everyone just stared at Ace who was staring at the ground, "First off, I think you are probably hungry." I said to Ace. He nodded and smiled at me.
(Ace's POV)
I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room I couldn't see a thing, "Hello Ace." Somone said from behind me. I turned around and saw a light blue hedgehog smiling at me, "Hello, sorry but, who are you?" I asked. "I'm Crystal, I'm someone who loves you very much, but I'm not alive anymore and I'm not sure I'll be able to see you again, it takes a lot out of me to visit the world of the living. You need to remember who you really are. For the sake of the other person who loves you." She said. "Who is it? Please tell me. I want to remember one thing." I said. But she had already disappeared and I faded into unconiousness.
Hope you enjoyed the update. And thanks to all the people who voted. Later!

The Legend of Flames (A Sonic Fanfic)
ActionAce and Skates have both had a very troubled past. It has been a year since they have tried to forget about their past, however when an old enemy returns they must fight again and put an end to it once and for all.