The Power to Protect Part Two

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This is still part of chapter fifteen. Enjoy!


(Normal POV)

Sonic, Shadow, Skates, Silver and Ace flew after Dark Flame, Dark Flame now had black flames that covered all of his body. The flames had become larger, "Come face me now." Dark Flame said, Dark Flame flew over to Sonic, almost instantly and kicked him to the ground. "Sonic, you alright?" Ace called, Sonic flew up at super speed and punched Dark Flame in the stomach. He shrugged it off and threw Sonic back to the ground, "Come on!" Sonic shouted annoyed. "This is easier than I thought." Dark Flame said, he then was sent plummeting to the ground by a floating tree. "Nice job Silver." Ace said, and flew down after him, he landed on top of Dark Flame and pushed him further into the ground. Ace was then pushed back into the air by black flames, "I think that was enough warm up." Dark Flame said. He shot a blast of fire at Ace and he was blasted into the air, Dark Flame flew up after him and punched him further into the air. "Guys, I could use some help." Ace said, Skates flew up and kicked Dark Flame to the ground. "Thanks." Ace said.

(Ace's POV)

"Do you think we can stop him?" I asked Skates, "I don't know, but we can't give up." Skates said. "Remember what you said when we were kids? You said that nothing could stop us when we worked together." Skates said. I chuckled a bit, "How do you remember that, we were eight." I said, "A little help guys!" Sonic shouted as Dark Flame shot a blast of for at him. "Time to resort to the old tricks." Skates said, we both stuck our hands in the air and fire shout out of our hands. The blue fire and my fire created a giant spheres of both types of fire, "Sonic, get out of there!" I shouted. He flew away and Dark Flame turned around and saw the giant heading straight for him, it hit him and exploded. I flew down to where Amy was standing, "Don't worry, it's over." I said smiling, then Sonic, Shadow, Skates and Silver flew down. "This isn't over!" Dark Flame shouted, he was high in the air and he shot a huge beam of flames right at us. "If that hits the entire planet is doomed." I said, I created a wall of fire to stop it, then a wall of blue fire appeared in front of it. Three more walls of energy appeared in front of it as well, the beam broke through all of them and continued heading for us. I knew the only way to stop it, "Amy, I'm sorry." I said, "No don't we will find another way to stop it." Amy said. "What do you mean?" Sonic asked, "I can absorb the black flames, but it's not something my body can handle, it's nearly killed me twice before." I said. I flew up, "NO ACE, DON'T DO IT!" Amy shouted, the beam of fire was now very close, I stuck my hands out and the fire was drawn to me. The entire beam came inside me, I felt like I was going to burst, "Now your dead, they have no chance to stop me." Dark Flame said laughing a bit. "This is how I'm gonna stop you." I said, I used all the strength I had and grabbed Dark Flame by his leg and threw him to the ground. I flew after him, the second he hit the ground I moved the fire that was surrounding me and it changed into a dome that surrounded Dark Flame. So this was it, the day I that I die, after a few minutes I saw Amy running towards me with the others following her. She hugged tightly, "Don't die Ace, I need you. I love you."Amy said, I could tell that she was crying, "I'm so sorry, I can't stop it, promise me that you will try to be happy." I said. I wanted to be with her more than anything, but I couldn't stop it, no matter how much I want to. "Good bye Amy, I love you." I said, I used Chaos Control and disappeared with Dark Flame, this time I was crying. "Why would you do that, give up your life?" Dark Flame asked, we were now far away from the others. "I told Amy once that I would stop you even if I had to give up my life, if I meant that she would be safe, than I was willing to die." I said. "I hate you, but you have my respect." Dark Flame said. "This is it." I said, I was surrounded by flames and an explosion engulfed both of us. "Amy, good-bye." I said, then I my body went numb, I guess this was death.

(Amy's POV)

This wasn't right, this wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to end today, Ace come back please. I was kneeling on the ground balling my eyes out, the sound of an explosion could be heard from a distance. I got up and started running in that direction, I ran as fast as I could, I never ran this fast before. In a few minutes I arrived at crater, I saw Ace lying in the center his eyes were closed, his quills were cinged and he was covered in burns. The others arrived soon, I jumped down and hugged Ace's limp body, there were no signs that he was alive. "Wake up Ace, please." My tears fell onto him, "Wake up!" I shouted, then something happened. "How?" I asked.


The story is not over, I will try to update again soon. Later.

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