Dark Flame's Revenge

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Chapter five: Dark Flame's Revenge

It was late, around midnight and Amy couldn't do anything to stop Dark Flame from attacking Ace, Dark Flame was holding Ace by his neck, "Stop!" Amy shouted, Dark Flame looked over at Amy with a twisted smile, "I'll stop once I make sure that every bone is his body is broken." Dark Flame said. "Amy run, I don't want you to get hurt." Ace said, Dark Flame then threw Ace towards the ground, Dark Flame pulled him up and threw him back down. Amy then ran over to Ace, but Dark Flame threw her away, "I'm done with him." Dark Flame said and he walked away, Amy ran over to Ace crying, "Come on Ace, wake up, please wake up." Amy said, Ace didn't move, his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing, "No, no." she kept repeating it. "NOOOOOO!" Amy shouted.

Amy opened her eyes to find herself in her room, she looked around to find that she was on the floor, she also saw that it was about five thirty in the morning. Her door swung open with Ace standing there, "Amy, are you alright?" Ace asked, tears began forming in hers eyes and she ran over to Ace and hugged him. "Your ok, I thought you were dead." Amy said, "It's alright, it was only a bad dream." Ace said to her, after a few moments Cream and Blaze came in, "You ok Amy?" Cream asked, Amy stopped hugging Ace, whipped her eyes and said, "I'm fine, it was just a bad dream, "Yeah, but everything is fine now." Blaze said jokingly. Amy's cheeks then turned slightly red. Cream and Blaze then started laughing, "Well, good night." Cream said, "Actually its morning." Amy said, Cream and Blaze then walked out, "Your sure your alright?" Ace asked, "Yeah I'm fine, but I don't think I'm gonna go back to sleep." Amy said, Ace opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted, "Guys, we got a problem, Eggman's mechs have been spoted northeast of the city and are heading this way." Tails said, everyone came out of there rooms and ran down the stairs, most of them continued out the door, however Tails, Cream, Rouge and Amy headed to the basement, "Skates, we got trouble northeast of the city." Ace said into his wrist communicator, "On my way." Skates said. Ace then followed Amy down to the basement, he saw Tails, Cream, Rouge and Amy enter a room on the opposite side of the room, he ran after them and when he entered the room he saw a blue plane with four seats, "Wow, you guys have a plane." Ace said. "Yep, made it myself." Tails said proudly, then he saw Amy taking a red and yellow hammer out of a box. "Your not the only one who can fight." Amy said to Ace, then Tails, Cream, Rouge and Amy climbed into the plan, "Come on." Amy said to Ace, Ace then jumped on the wing of the plane, "How do we get out?" Ace asked, Tails pushed a button on the plane and an wall opened in front of them, it was slanted upward.

"You really think you can beat my army?" A man asked, he had a brown mustache, glasses, a red commander suit, black pants and was sitting in a floating chair in front of an army of robots, "No, I'm no match for a bunch of tinker toys." Skates said sarcastically, "You have the Chaos Emerald, hand it over and no one gets hurt." The man said, "How about I destroy your robots and take your Chaos Emerald." Skates said then he shot a blast of blue fire at the robots, a few of them fell to the ground. "Attack!" the man yelled and all the robots aimed their guns at Skates, "Why do you keep using a strategy that always fails?" Somopne asked from behind Skates, Skates didn't turn around, he put up a wall of fire just as the robots began shooting. "Looks like you could use some help." said the person behind Skates, he turned his head to see Sonic and Shadow standing behind him, he also saw Silver and Blaze catching up to them, "You guys get the robots I'll keep the fire up." Skates said. Sonic, Shadow and Silver jumped over the wall of fire and began destroying every robot in sight, Skates noticed that the wall of fire was no longer being shot at, Skates put down the wall and began shooting blasts of fire at the robots, "Your a fool Dr. Eggman, for thinking you could defeat me." Shadow said. Then they all heard a noise coming from above them, Sonic looked up to see a plane, but he recognized this plane.

"Are you insane?" Amy asked Ace as they flew over the army of robots, Ace smiled at her and jumped off of the plane, "Ace!" Amy shouted as he fell, "Don't worry!" he shouted back to her, then right before he hit the ground, he shot fire and slowed down. "Your boyfriend is nuts." Cream said to Amy, she giggled a bit and said, "Yeah, he is." Then the plane began descending, once it landed everyone got off except Tails, he pushed a button on the plane and it began changing, after a few seconds it had legs and two guns, "You got the Cyclone working again?" Sonic asked, Tails shot at a group of robots, blowing all of them away, "Yep." Tails said proudly. "Looks like I have to stop holding back." Dr. Eggman said then he pushed a button on his floating chair, then a large group of the robots changed shape and flew over to Eggman's chair, after about half a minute the chair transformed into a giant version of the robots on the army, only with ten times the guns. "Let's see who I should kill first, how about Amy." Dr. Eggman said, then he aimed one of the guns at Amy, a blast of fire shot out from it, "No!" Ace shouted then the fire was drawn into his hand. He shot it back at Eggman, "Don't touch her." Ace said to Eggman, "Isn't that what you said to me about Crystal." Someone said from behind Eggman, Ace cringed. Then the giant robot was covered in black fire, Eggman's floating chair came out and a shinning object fell from it, the robot exploded and now they could see who was behind it. "Still mad at me about killing her." Said the person who was behind the robot, it was Dark Flame, he picked up the shinning object that fell from the floating chair, it was a Chaos Emerald. "Don't worry I'm not here to fight, just for the Chaos Emerald." Dark Flame said, "But first I have a question, are you just using Amy to replace Crystal?" Dark Flame asked, then he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Ace, who is he talking about?" Amy asked, Ace didn't respond he just stared at the ground with his fists clenched. "Ace are you alright?" Amy asked, he didn't respond again, instead he ran away. "Ace, come back!" Amy shouted, "Don't worry he'll be alright, he just needs time to think things through." Skates said. Amy whipped her eyes and asked, "Who is Crystal?" She asked not facing Skates. "Its a long story." Skates said and then continued, "Back before Dark Flame destroyed our city, we had group of friends, each of us had a power involving fire. One of them was Crystal, she and Ace were close every since they were young, eventually they started dating and a while after that Dark Flame attacked, we fought our hardest but it wasn't enough. Crystal died and so did the rest of our friends, ever since then I almost never saw Ace happy. I think he left because he needs to know if he still loves her." Skates said. Amy dropped to the ground and began crying.


Sorry for the late update, school. But what will happen know, has Ace left for good. Later.

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