Chapter twenty: Seperation
(Normal POV)
"That's almost impossible, we'd have to find the emeralds in a matter of hours." Tails said. "More impossible then surviving an explosion where I was the bomb?" Ace asked, "I think we've done the impossible more than once." Sonic said. "So, who's going to Nocturne and who's looking for the emeralds?" Knuckles asked, "We'll need at least one person who can use Chaos Control on the team looking for the emeralds." Silver said. "I can do that." Sonic said, after a minute of discussion the teams were decided, Skates, Ace, Shadow, Amy, Knuckles, Silver, Blaze and Shade were going to Nocturne, and Sonic, Tails, Cream and Rouge were looking for the emeralds.
(Ace's POV)
"Chaos Control!" I shouted, then I was standing on Nocturne, "Don't get in my way." Shadow said. "Ok, you go ahead and yourself killed then." Skates said, "You should stand up comedy." Silver said. "Can we focus. Idiots." Shadow said angrily, "You're even grumpier in person." Someone said. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a hooded person. "Ace and Skates, haven't seen you two in a while." The person said. Then he disappeared and reappeared in front of me, he grabbed my head and lifted me into the air. "Time to bring the darkness out." The person said and let me go and I fell to the ground. My quills didn't turn dark red but my body was covered in a dark aura, it quickly left my body and flew over to the man. The darkness began to take form, it turned into a dark me, "Finally, I didn't think you would manage to suppress the darkness this much." The man said. "Who are you, how do you know who I am?" I asked, "That doesn't matter, enjoy fighting yourself." The man said and disappeared. "What, no hello?" The dark me asked, "You've really been a pain keeping me locked up inside." The dark me said. "I think it's time I got rid of you for good." I said, "Good luck with that, I know your every weakness, and since I used black fire you're at a disadvantage." The dark me said. "You guys go on ahead, I'll handle this." I said, "Ace, no." Amy said, "Don't worry, I can handle this." I said. "You guys go, I'll stay and help Ace." Amy said, the rest of the group agreed and headed on. "How nice, I'll make sure that you watch her die." The dark me said to me, I wasn't about to let that happen. "If you touch her, you'll regret the day you were born, or however you were created." I said.
I ducked quickly, just barely dodging dark Ace's ball of fire, he was just as fast as I was and probably just as strong. "Fight you coward!" Dark Ace shouted at me, I covered my fists with flames and punched Dark Ace to the ground. I blasted me back with a wave of black flames, he was even more powerful than I was. I fell to ground, from this one attack I was in excruciating pain, "I told you this was pointless, I have your strength and my own. Quit now and I will make you're death quick." Dark Ace said. I pushed myself back up and lit my fists with fire again. "So you want the painful way? Fine, I'm gonna enjoy this more." He said. "I won't lose to you." I said, "Oh, I will, will I. Why don't you quit?" He asked. "I won't quit, because I have someone that I won't lose no matter what." I said, I turned to Amy and smiled at her. "Now, shut up." I said, I forced in the rest of my strength into a giant ball of fire, and threw it at Dark Ace. Then I blacked out.
I slowly opened my and saw Amy staring back at me, "You're ok." She said smiling at me. I was still in pain, but it had subsided a bit. I could tell we were still on Nocturne, "We have to go after the others." I said. "No, you're still hurt, let's just head back." Amy said, "We can't just let them go alone, we have to help." I said. "I'm not just gonna stand around and let you get hurt." She said a bit angrily, "Neither can I, I'm not gonna let anyone get hurt. Especially not you." I said. "Ace." She said looking down, by her tone I could she was a bit sad, then continued. "Everytime you go to fight someone I never know whether or not you're gonna come back. Do you know how hard that is for me?" She asked. "I'm sorry. But if I don't then you might get hurt, and I'm not gonna let that happen, even if I have to put my life on the line." I said. She looked up at me and kissed me, "Just promise me you'll come back." She said, "I promise." I said.
Sorry for the late update. I will try not to take so long next time. Later.

The Legend of Flames (A Sonic Fanfic)
AksiAce and Skates have both had a very troubled past. It has been a year since they have tried to forget about their past, however when an old enemy returns they must fight again and put an end to it once and for all.