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George's POV

I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Clay and I sighed softly as I looked at my dad.

'Uh- dad?' I muttered as I looked at him. 'There's someone coming over.'

'Oh really? Who?'


'I've never heard of them,' my dad said. My brother let out a soft giggle and I rolled my eyes.

'He's a friend.'

'A friend,' Jason repeated.

I glared at him and he giggled again.

'Anyway, is he coming over for dinner too?'

'I think so, he was going to eat at home first, but he still left before dinner.'

'Okay, I'll prepare extra for him!' my dad said surprisingly happy.

I smiled and let my dad walk to the kitchen as I looked at Jason again.

'Shut up, idiot,' I said with an annoyed voice.

He giggled. 'I wouldn't tell him anything, Gogy. I just found it funny.'

'Don't walk into my room again, please.'

'Oh, what plans do you guys have this time?'

'We don't have any plans and if we would have plans, I wouldn't tell you,' I whispered, looking at my dad who got lost in cooking dinner.

'Okay, anyway. I'm going out for a bit.'

'With who?'


'Sapnap? What? Why? What are you going to do with Sapnap?'

'Nothing, he just asked to walk for a little.'

'Why doesn't he ask me? I'm his friend.'

'I don't know, he's my friend too if I'm honest. We used to hang out sometimes before you got sick.'

I nodded slowly. 'It's kind of weird to me.'

'You're with Clay anyway, you wouldn't even be able to come with us.'

'Fine,' I muttered. 'I think Clay might be there.'

I quickly stood up and ran to the front door to see Clay stand in front of it with a big smile. 'Hi!' he said, smiling cutely. 'Hug?'

I gave him a short hug and pulled him inside. 'Let's go upstairs before dinner,' I said as I saw my brother giggle.

Clay noticed it too and we quickly went upstairs together. Clay was just smiling the whole time and once we got upstairs he hugged me tightly. 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' I said with a giggle. 'I'm just a bit upset about some things.'

'Tell me about them.'

I sighed softly. 'I hate how so many people saw my body, but the one person I love didn't. I feel like I'm not even special anymore.'

'You are special, because I didn't see the pictures and I don't want to see them either. If we do such a thing together, it's going to be special because I haven't seen you yet.'

'But what if someone sends them to you? They have done that a lot.'

Clay shrugged. 'I would delete them and tell you about it. I promise you that I will delete them as fast as I can, because I want to see you in real life for the first time. Not on a picture you got forced to take.'

'But I'm not ready to show myself, but the chance you'll get my pictures is very big.'

'I absolutely don't want you to show yourself when you're not ready just so I won't see it on a picture, okay? I can delete that picture easily and you don't have to force yourself into doing things you aren't ready for.'

I sighed softly and smiled. 'Thank you for being so sweet to me.'

'That's because I love you a lot.'

I giggled shyly and couldn't resist myself any longer. I pressed my lips on Clay's and he immediately accepted it, gently pushing me down on my bed.

He rested one knee on both sides of my body and let himself slowly fall down on top of me. The kiss got more passionate, but I broke it after a few seconds more.

'Let me close the window,' I muttered.

Clay giggled and I closed the window. Clay held his hands up in the air. 'Can you help me?'

Deleted this too (sorry for deleting it, but I got uncomfortable :))

We continued kissing for minutes until suddenly the door opened. Clay got startled really badly and immediately rolled away from me as he pulled the sheets up high to hide his body and I just sat up in the bed, looking at my dad standing inside of my room with an open mouth.

'Uh-,' he muttered. 'Dinner is ready.'

'I can explain,' I mumbled, but my dad quickly walked off.

1032 words

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