A little Emotion

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

Bill vanished before my eyes, I didn't even get a chance to explain myself, which may have been for the best. Hopping to my feet I slyly opened the door allowing my brother to come in.

"What is with you and locking the door?" He asked looking at me.

"It's a little thing called privacy Dipper, I am a girl!" I said defending myself. He rolled his eyes and went into his side of the room, looking for something. It didn't dawn on me until right then that he had just left.. why was he back?

"Did you forget something?" I asked peering over at him as he frantically looked around in his stuff.

"Yeah, Wendy asked if I had a USB she could use to download movies on and.... Bingo!" He suddenly shouted holding a little blue USB in his hand and then darting out the door.

"Well... goodbye to you too." I mumbled. I didn't close the door this time, instead I walked to my bed and laid down. Why did getting older mean growing apart.. Dipper barely talks to me anymore, he never asks me to go on adventures, there's not more brother sister bonding sessions. It's not my place to tell him how to live.

"Lighten up Mabel, life will work it's self out," I breathed. Part of me wondered if I should summon Bill back, but maybe I was being annoying to him. Everything was piling up, it sort of made my brain hurt. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and I was out.

♢Bill P.O.V♢

Dang it Pine Tree! Why did you have to come right then... now I won't know what she was gonna tell me, it's really gonna bug me. I am curious by nature which is very annoying. After leaving Shooting stars room, mine felt so big and just empty. It was a lot of space for one person, I guess I like it that way. Now it just kind of felt lonely.

"Hm, I wonder if she's gonna summon me again..?" I asked the walls, but after I while I assumed she was tired with me, that was fine. Although I had become something of a therapist for her, or maybe that's not the right word, I mean I wasn't helping. Why were humans so confusing, why not be straight forward. But after spending time with her, I've developed a weird feeling I can't describe.

"Humans have emotions, do I have emotions?" I asked the walls once again, I felt weird talking to nothing, but I had never thought of this question. Emotions are something one feels, all living being are suppose to have them, but then again am I living?

"If I keep thinking like this I may just make a black hole.." I mumbled. I decided to drop my questions and rewatch the movie I didn't have a chance to return.

Authors note: Hello my lovely readers, yes I have been a way for a while, I lost my motivation, and yet here on a ugly rainy day, it suddenly came back. I will publish this part as I am working on another. So many reads, it blows my mind, thank you all! I love each and every one of you. Also I may write other fan fictions if you guys like this one (anime, movies, Disney, cartoon) I'm not very good with real life people, but hey you never know! Anyways get ready for some twists and turns as I think of more things. Longest note ever. Thank you guys oh so much, the storm be coming!♡

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