Laid in confusion

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

As I laid in bed I couldn't help but think about what all had happened today. But the more I thought about it the more my ring burned, I had to keep spinning it in order to cool it down. Will had been surprisingly calm about the whole thing, I wish he would of told me he had a brother though. Honestly, a lot of what his brother was saying just bothered me, nothing was really adding up. He seemed so dead set on that we had met and that he knew me. The more I thought about it, the more I became confused, and then I fell asleep.

"Mabel your boyfriend is here," Dipper said as he shook me trying to wake me up. I looked at him confused and then understood what he was saying. Jumping out of bed, I quickly began to get dressed. I examined my outfit, I smiled in approval and walked down stairs.

"Good morning star," Will smiled and kissed my forehead, I giggled and walked outside while he held the door open for me. We began walking into the forest, it was so nice and quiet.

"So did you talk to your brother?" I asked curiously, Will stayed silent for a bit and the shook his head.

"It slipped my mind," he said and shrugged, even though his brother didn't seem like the nicest, Will had said they would talk about it later.. I'm a little disappointed that he didn't.

"You said you would though," I said trying to nudge him a little, they shouldn't be fighting, they are siblings after all. He looked around avoiding eye contact and I sighed.

"Would you want me to come with you?" I asked after a few moment of silence, Will looked taken back by my asking and then looked like he was pondering it. As long as his brother didn't attack us it should be fine.

"Maybe that's not a bad idea," he said finally and smiled at me, I returned it and nodded happily. If I could have then settle this then maybe I could finally rest easy. Will took out a card and began chanting, sometimes I forget he's a demon. When he finished chanting we stood outside a lone door, although for some reason I felt like I was having a weird case of deja vu. Will opened the door and we walked in.

"Hello?" He asked as we stepped inside, the house looked beat up inside like there had been a fight. After a few second a girl popped her head out of the kitchen, she was beautiful, her hair was long and red, the color matched her eyes. Her eyes lit up when she saw us.

"SPICE!" she squealed and rushed up as she attacked Will in a bear hug, he looked taken back and very surprised.

"Valerie what are you doing here?" Will asked confused, she let go of him and then smiled, she was dazzling.

"I'm Bills fiancée remember?" She said as she lit up, but when she said it a sharp pain shot through me. I held my chest but the pain was soon gone.

"Oh yeah... where is he by the way?" Will asked, something was off, he was acting weird now. Valerie tilted her head at him but sighed after a bit.

"He should still be in the bedroom," she said, and pointed to the stairs. Will nodded and then turned to me.

"I'm going to go talk to him, you stay here okay?" He said, even though he ended it as a question, he meant it as a demand. I nodded and smiled to him tying to give him courage, he turned away from me and began up the stairs.

"I'm sorry how rude of me, I'm Valerie, Bills fiancée," Valerie said and held out her hand to me.

"I'm Mabel, I'm Wills girlfriend," I said as I took her hand. She looked me up and down as if inspecting me. After a few looks she smiled.

"Its weird he's dating a human, but I don't judge!" She said smiling, she seemed like a great person, her personality was so bubbly. After standing awkwardly we made our way to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So how do you know Will and Bill?" I asked curious on the nickname she had said when going to hug Will. Although she must be close to them.

"We have been friends since we were kids, so we have know each other our whole lives, as you can guess I'm a demon as well," she said, I had never imagined Will as a kid, I wonder what he was like. Valerie didn't seem very demon like at all, she had an angel feel about her.

"That's sweet, tell me was Will ever stubborn as a kid?" I asked hoping that I didn't sound to prying, I just wanted to know about his childhood. For some reason I doubt he would tell me much of it himself.

"Not at all, Bill on the other hand was so stubborn and always had a short temper," she laughed and looked like she was glowing talking about him, for some reason I felt a hit of sadness. Short temper...

"When did you a Will start dating?" She asked after a few seconds of silence. My mind went blank, I couldn't remember... when did Will and I start dating and how did we meet again?... wow I'm a horrible girlfriend if I can't remember.

"Uh, it's been a while now," I said trying to be as vague as possible, she didn't seem to mind. Honestly it was becoming kind of uncomfortable in her presence, she was so much prettier than I was and seemed so nice... what was wrong with me?!

"Oh no.." she said as we suddenly heard a huge crash. Before thinking we both jumped up and ran up the stairs. Valarie swung open the door, Will was across the room in a sea of broken glass from a shattered mirror, without a though I ran to him.

"Shooting Star?!" Bill asked confused and shocked, another sting of pain. Valarie ran to Bills side and tried to calm him down. Will had shards in his arm and leg, I reached down and began to slowly remove them.

"Ow!" I squeaked as one of the shards cut my finger open and blood started leaking out, Wills eyes widened.

"Star! Hold on let me just-" he ripped off part of his shirt and wrapped it tightly around my finger. He then proceeded to take the pieces out of himself and they began healing.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly, he looked at me half smiling and nodded. But that faded once he looked over my shoulder, I turned and Valarie was tightly hugging Bill and stroking his hair. Soft... my eyes widened as the ring started burning.

"Will it's doing it again!" I almost screamed, Bill and Valarie looked over at us. Will took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes.

"Stop thinking. Look at me," he said in a very calm voice. After a second the burning stopped. Bill and Will looked like hell, does this always happen when they talk... maybe talking just won't help them..

Authors note: Wow so it's been a while... I'm really sorry to all my readers but I've been so busy with college and my job that it sucked all my creativity right out of me. But I am back with this chapter and hopefully it will keep flowing. Please tell me what you think so far. See you later!

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