Corners unfolded

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

"Mabel I seriously don't have time for this!" Dipper yelled at me from his side of the room, I jumped off my bed getting defensive.

"What! You don't have time for your sister?!" I screamed. Dipper glared at me as he snatched his hat off the floor.

"Whatever," he mumbled as he walked out the door slamming it behind him. I could hear Wendy's car start up and then drive away. It wasn't too much to ask for spending a day with my brother, but no he had plans that are way more important than me. Wendy is amazing, I'm honestly glad she got him out and about but now he won't even hang out with me for a few moments. Dipper seems to believe he's found his crowd and when he's not with them he's doing mysteries behind my back.

I threw myself back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. Would it be too soon to contact Bill? Even if I didn't see me when I left his house yesterday, he may be mad at me. But maybe he isn't mad at me at all and is simply waiting for me to summon him. Or I might be too hopeful. After moments of debating with myself I finally chanted the words to summon Bill.

"Oh hey Shooting Star," Bill said side smiling me. He looked tired, his hair was out of place and he had hints of dark circles under his eye.

"Did you get my note?" I asked, it would be better to get the if he was mad at me out of the way, although he just seemed out of it.

"Uh.. oh yeah I did," nodding he sat on Dippers bed, he must still be upset with his brother, the last thing I would want to do is bring it up.

"Well Di-" I stopped mid name, it might be best to avoid talking about my brother as well. Bill tilted his head confused at me.

"Did you try on the sweater?" I said trying to recover. Bill didn't seem to of noticed my slip up so I was in the clear.

"Yeah its warm, thanks," he said smiling. Gosh he was so handsome, even though he's hair was messy it was cute. I could feel myself begin to blush as the memory of us kissing passed through my mind.

"Shooting Star I'm sorry but business calls, we will hang out later okay?" Bill looked at his watch and then back up at me for a response.

"Of course. Have fun!" I replied smiling and with that he dissappeared. Once again it felt empty in my room.

After being in my room for most of the day I wondered down the stairs to the living room where Grunkle Stan was watching TV.

"Hey Grunkle Stan where's Dipper?" I asked, usually Dipper would be home by now or atleast call me, but he hasn't been calling me as often anymore.

"Oh hey kid, he said he'd be back late," Stan said without his gaze leaving the TV. Looking at the floor I nodded and headed back up the stairs. Each step was long and lonely. I had for a brief period forgot the loneliness because of Bill, but he was busy so the feeling returned. My muscles relaxed as my body hit the bed. Although the silence was killing me.

"I'm still a mystery twin!" I finally said trying to get myself out of my funk. Sitting up I scouted the room for the journal, somewhat tucked away I could see it in Dippers backpack. Jumping up I snatched it and started gathering supplies. My bag was filled with random things I thought I would need like water, flashlight, battery's, and other things. As I was about to leave the room it's dawned on me that I had no idea what I would or should search for, Dipper always had a specific things. Sitting down on the bed I flipped through the pages.

"Mermaids, not again. Gnomes, no thank you. Fairys.. well." My hand rested on a page about Fairys, this type of Fairys were harmless so it shouldn't be very dangerous alone. After settling that I was going after Fairys I stuffed the book in my bag and headed out the door toward the woods.

"Hello?" I called after walking around the forest for a little. I had forgotten how big it was and how in some parts it could make day feel like night. In some ways I didn't understand how Dipper was able to find things so easily, I was having a tough time.

"Hello, hello!" A voice echoed, it was a sweet voice like one of a little girl. Vagly I could tell were it was coming from, like a magnet I felt drawn to it. My feet began moves toward the voice.

"Hi, hello!" It called, becoming louder with every step as I inched towards it. My mind felt fuzzy, my body felt light. The air smelt like vinilla and pine cones. The tree branches seemed to move in order for me to pass like bystanders making a pathway for me. The air was warm with a light breeze that moved my hair behind me. Closer, closer.

"Hello, hello!" It called again. My heart was beating in a rythmn that was soothing. I finally came out to a clearing in the woods, the evening light flooded in making everything sparkle and twinkle. There sitting on a big rock was a little girl, she had long light brown hair that glistened.

"Oh, hello," She said turning toward me, her eyes were a golden brown that shined. She was beautiful. She wore a long white dress, sort of like night wear. Her mouth curled up in a stunning smile. Staring at her, she slowly extended her hand to me, I began moving closer and then boom. My body was slammed to the ground from the right side of me.

"STAR SNAP OUT OF IT!" Yelled a voice I knew, my eyes looked to the person who was now on top of me, it was Will. My head hurt, I was confused, my eyes shifted to the girl as Will held his hand out and shot a beam at her.

"Pesky Demon!" The little girl snarled, she was now on all fours glaring at us, the beam had just desinagrated some of her dress. Not only that but her eyes were now black and narrow.

"Want me to kill you?" Will threatened. The girl bit her lip and then vanished. Closing my eyes I tried to shake the headache, then all of a sudden the feelings I had had were gone. Upon opening my eyes, there was nothing special about the opening, it was just normal.

"Be more careful. Your lucky, that was a lower off branch siren." Will sighed moving to where he was now sitting in front of me. I pushed myself off the ground and sat as well.

"Thanks.." I said after a few moments of silence. He looked up at me and smiled. I wish I could get a honest vibe from this guy but he's like a switch, he changes easily. What is the real him like?

"No problem," he said. It was weird staring at him, it was like Bills complete opposite. After staring for a little I began to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed because I have nothing to say or rather I don't know what to say..

"So do you know when Bill will be done with his job today?" I asked impulsively, then I began to question if asking him was such a good idea. But maybe the hate was only one sided? Or was that wishful thinking..

"Job? What job?" Will asked confused. Of course Will doesn't keep tabs on him 24/7, I mean how could he? Although I'm not completely sure of the extent of their powers.

"Oh well he just said he had business to take care of," I said smiling. I mean wouldn't business mean job? Looking at Will it didn't seem I put him at ease. He looked confused still, then looked at me with a very serious look in his eyes.

"He didn't tell you.. did he." He said, it wasn't a question either, he just sort of stated it. My eyes widened in confusion. Bill seemed off but I just assumed that was because Will showed up and that they don't get along well. It's not my place to pry. Even.. even if I might have feelings for Bill.

"Tell me what?" I asked. Oh no.. I was prying. I was getting involved. He's a demon, I'm a human. But, the way he smiles, the way he genuinely laughs, the way he teases me, the way he gets confused over my emotions, and the way he's began to change.. I was falling for him. And then..

"He's getting married,"

I hit the ground.

Authors note!: Hello, hello! Thank you to everyone who is still reading. This is really fun to write however it can be difficult and time consuming. So I apologize for the long delays. I'm excited for the next parts. As you seem this was completely in Mabels P.O.V, so maybe the next will only be in Bills? You will have to wait and see!(:

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