Truth Hurts

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◇Bill P.O.V◇

There she went... gone... again. I just stood there, lost and angry. Why couldn't I get myself to rush after her... maybe I was afraid that she would never look at me like she use to. Before I could even realize what was happening, tears were falling down my face and I collapsed on to my knees.

"Bill?! Sweetie what's wrong?" Valerie asked as she knelt down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I just couldn't keep it in anymore... it was eating me alive not being with her.

"I love her..." I whispered quietly. Staring down at the floor I felt Valerie's hand leave my shoulder.

"What?" She asked. I finally managed to get myself under control and I wiped my eye with my hand.

"I love her. I thought she loved me too... but she doesn't even remember me..." I said painfully as I looked at her. Her expression was shock... I couldn't blame her, I had kissed her and led her on. This was all my fault. Not only had I lost the love of my life, but also my best friend.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked as she looked down at her hands. My heart hurt... I'm so tired of feeling all of this pain.

"I didn't know how. When I came home, I was going to tell my parents and you that I had met someone... the one. But after everything happened and I came back.. she suddenly didn't remember me and she was with Will." I shook my head knowing how insane it all sounded and it made less since when I said it out loud. Valerie sat down next to me.

"Alright. So you love this human girl," she said softly.

"With all my heart," I said trying to not cry again. She was slipping from me... forever.

"Okay. Then how are you going to get her back?" She asked staring at me, I looked at her surprised. After everything that had happened... she was still my best friend. I smiled gently at her.

"That's the problem. I dont know what happened... we were fine and then we weren't... he met her when we were together and then I went to our parents house and..." I was rambling trying to get the sequence of events in order and then it clicked... like a huge hammer to my heart I felt rage bubbling up inside.

"THEY MADE A DEAL!" I screamed startling Valerie, she jumped a little at my sudden outburst and then looked at me wide eyed.

"Your joking. Why would Will do that?! He knew you two were together, right?" She asked confused. She was right he did know we were together... and that is exactly why he did it.

"He did it because we were together," I said trying not to completely lose to my anger. But I could feel my blood running cold.

"Okay so assume that he did in fact make a deal with her..  why? Why would she agree to a deal?" Valerie was right on track with my own thoughts, no matter what Mabel had to of agreed of her free will or the deal wouldn't be valid. So what had happened in that short time that made her sign a deal with Will... the moment I think I have answers, it just keeps getting more confusing. However, staying here wasn't going to help. If they were in the human world than time has already gone by faster for them, I was wasting time.

"I dont know, but I'm going to find out!" I said standing up with a new found determination, it helped to think it was because of a deal and not because she didn't love me. Just as Valerie and I were going to leave, there was a knock on the door.

"If its Will again he is dead!" I huffed out as I went to the door being closely followed by Valerie who was probably afraid I would indeed kill him... which I would.

"Ah, master Bill, glad to see you are in fact home," said Lance as I opened the door. He stood there professional as ever, with a white envelope in his hand. Now I was really confused... why was Lance here? What had been so urgant that my parents sent him...

"This if for you." He said as he handed me the envelope. I looked at it suspiciously and began opening it. Inside was a formal invitation:

William Cipher formally invites you to his wedding as he marrys Mabel Pines. Come watch this spectacle of love and happiness.

~Love, Will & Star☆

Authors note: dang it's been a while! Happy new years and I'm sorry for being a piece of trash author. My motivation comes in waves, but I'm trying my hardest to finish this for eeveryone! ♡

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