You are so hypnotic

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

The light seemed to be beautiful again. It felt like I had woken up from a weird nightmare but couldn't remember what about. My bed felt so comfortable underneath me, it made me not want to move. A light snort startled me, I jumped up to see Dipper in a deep sleep in his bed. He would usually be up ealier than me, but today he seemed so tired, must be all the monster hunting. Before I realized it I had gotten up and was now sitting on Dippers bed, I hope he wasn't still mad at me for the whole argument about monster hunting.

"Mabel?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes and looked up at me. His hair was a mess, it made me laugh.

"Morning Bro-bro!" I said smiling, he looked confused and then sat up to grab his hat. He then stared at me.

"You seem.. happy," he said with a bit of delay as if it was weird for me to be happy. Maybe he was still mad at me..

"Of course I'm happy. I have an amazing brother, Grunkle stan, friends and my boyfriend," Wasn't it obviously why I was happy? But he just looked at me even more confused. Maybe I had forgotten to tell him about Will.. I mean we met after Dipper and I had that fight.

"Wait boyfriend?" He asked after silence. My face became hot, oh no. Everytime I thought of Will I got flustered and overjoyed. He's was just such an amazing guy.

"Yes, his name is William, but he goes by Will." I said smiling, he just kept eyeing me as if he didn't believe me. But that might of been due to my rather odd summer flings before. Either way I knew he would except it either way.

"Oh gosh I forgot I have a picnic planed, got to run!" I suddenly jumped up, grabbing a sweater and shorts, but as I grabbed them it felt weird. Pausing at my closet, I looked around it puzzled. For some reason I didn't want to wear a sweater.

"Hey Dip, think Grunkle Stan will give me a twenty for new clothes?" I asked looking over at Dipper who was pulling out his outfit for the day. Looking over at the clock, I had about an hour.

"Use the puppy dog eyes and beg." Dipper said, I just giggled and nodded. Putting on a sweater to wear to the store would be okay, so I pulled out a random one. Then I made my way down stairs to where Grunkle Stan had already taken his place in the chair infront of the TV.

"Heyyy Grunkle Stan," I said as cute as I could as I refilled his coffee for him. He just kept his eyes on the TV.

"Okay kid, what do you want?" He finally asked, he was really good as sniffing out a con and also conning.

"Twenty bucks for new clothes," I replied sweetly, as I batted my eyelashes. He breathed in hard making his chest rise and then breathed out harshly. This was his way of silently rebelling before giving in. After a moment of silence he reached into his pocket.

"Fine," he breathed, it sounded as if he had been tortured. Once he finally released the bill, I headed down to town. It had never hit me that I hadn't really bought any clothes here, I always made my own sweaters. It seemed a bit strange. There were not a lot of places to really shop in Gravity falls anyways. Finally I stopped at a little boutique. As I looked around my eyes locked on to a pink tank top with a star on it, perfect. After I got the shirt, I got a leather jacket, black mini skirt and black knee highs. Somehow it felt like the outfit had already been picked out, just for me. Handing the cashier the money, I couldn't wait to go changed and meet up with Will.

"Hey Mabel, why the new outfit all of a sudden?" Dipper asked as I walked into the room after changing. I walked to the mirror and paused.

"I don't know. This feels right." I said and smiled over at him. He rolled his eyes and went back to reading the journal. My outfit fit together perfectly, I could help but stare at the ring Will had gotten me when he had asked me out. I loved being his Star.

"I've got to go!" It was almost time, if I didn't hurry I would be late. Dipper just looked up to see me dart out the door. Maybe Will will want to meet him, I sure hope so.

◇Bills P.O.V◇

It was nice being in my own house again. Peace and quiet, without my parents suffocating me. Although it would be just a matter of time before I have to talk to them again. Also I need to straighten the whole thing out with Valerie properly. Why did everything have to suddenly become complicated. It had been a day since I left my parents house, but I hadn't heard from Mabel or Will. I didn't really expect Will to see me again, but Mabel... had she and Dipper made up is that why she hasn't contacted me? Honestly I kind of missed my years of bliss, causing misfortune and being completely free. Why did I have to be a Cipher...

"I'll just go see her!" I said trying to motivate myself, but what if she didn't want to see me? Or what if she's busy? Why should I care?! Suddenly every possible question and doubt runs through my brain.

"I am Bill Cipher!" I finally said and all of the nagging questions vanished. It shouldn't matter what others think of me or if she's busy. I'll just pop in, it won't hurt anything. Standing up I made my way from my bed room out the door. As I appeared outside the Mystery Shack it never dawned on me that she may be inside, if I floated in, what would I do if Dipper was in there? As I thought about the idea for a bit, I just decided to ask Dipper. He hasn't seen my human form, hopefully he just won't figure it out. The door bell rang for a long while, then I heard feet coming down stairs.

"I'll get it!" Dipper yelled as he open the door and then looked at me confused. I haven't noticed how tall he had gotten, he wasn't like the little brat I use to know. Mabel was short, she had changed but not a whole lot.

"Hi, I'm Brandon. I'm looking for Mabel," I said smiling. Dipper still looked confused, I was dressed like a normal human, a shirt and pants.

"Uh, Mabel is on a date," he said as he looked me up in down in suspicion. I looked at him questioning, who had she gone on a date with? I didn't even know she had a boyfriend...

"Where?" I asked. Dippers head tilted and then he sighed as he pointed out into the woods.

"A picnic,"

Authors note: Wow, I feel like this chapter was really short. Sorry for not being able to update recently, I've been trying to get things ready for college. Also I apologize for never saying how old they are, Dipper and Mabel are 15. Hopefully I'll get great motivation for the next chapter! Anyways hope you enjoyed!♡

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