Broken Glass

507 15 4

◇Bill P.O.V◇

"Oh sorry." I said and looked down. I'm such an idiot, I can't retreat to Valerie souly because I've lost Shooting Star... it's not right.

"Don't be, I've been waiting," Valerie said, completely oblivious that it didn't mean what she thinks it does.

"Val, could you get me water?" I asked, hoping she would take the bait and leave me alone. She smiled at me and nodded as she got up and left the room. Silence. My mind was racing. Just when I find a bit of happiness, it's stolen away by him.. why?!

"You look pitiful." Wills voice shot through me. Why the hell did he pick to come here now?! In someway I think he has a death wish.

"Why the hell are you here?!" I asked spitting hatred towards him. Although I couldn't get myself to look at him...

"Star said we need to talk and sort out our differences," My head snapped around to him, he stood there smug. Nothing made any sense and I wasn't even given a second to think about it. He was always there to confused it all again.

"What did you do to her!" I screamed, he had to of done something to her for her to forget me... us. We were happy, disfunction but happy. Anger was rising and making my fists hot.

"She asked me to." My eyes snapped up to his. What does that mean? Why would she ask for this. To forget me, date Will and forget what we had? That wasn't the Mabel I know... she wouldn't just do that.

"You're lying," I said through my gritted teeth. He shrugged. There was no way for me to tell if he was lying or not..

"That's not a very nice assumption. It's not like it matters anyway, now that Valerie is introducing herself as your wife to be," he said as he looked my room over a bit. He never did really look at it last time he was here, he just messed with Shooting Star... then it dawned on me... I had never gotten the chance to explain the situation to her. Everything about this was getting me upset. How could Will just take something I love away from me without a second thought?!

"It does matter. I denied her marriage proposal!" My voice came out harsh and low. Wills eyes widened as he stared at me. He looked as if so many emotions were flowing through him.

"You denied her!" He yelled at me. Before I could even respond he launched at me, I held up my hands and blasted him backwards into my huge mirror. Before he got the chance to get up and charge at me again, the door wung open. Valerie gasped and ran to me, while I saw Mabel run over to Will.

"Shooting Star?!" I asked confused and shocked, Valerie was now next to me trying to calm me down, but my eyes were locked on Mabel.

"Ow!" She squeaked in pain as one of the shards cut her finger. I tried to move but I felt Valerie grip on to me... I couldn't go and help her, she didn't even remember us.

"Are you alright?" Valerie asked breaking me out of my trance as she stroked my hair. How could I be alright? She was right there... but I couldn't even hug her...

"Will it's doing it again!" Shooting Star screamed in pain, my eyes widened, why was she in so much pain?!

"Stop thinking. Look at me," Will called for her attention as she tried to breath in and out. Before I could think my legs were moving over to them. I looked down at them both, but only Will looked up at me.

"Is she okay..?" I asked quietly trying not to spook her. She had her hands together and she was shaking... it killed me that I couldn't do anything.

"She's fine," he answered harshly. As he glared at me. Honestly even looking at his stupid face made me want to punch him again, before I could Valerie was now between us.

"You two are brothers! You shouldn't be fighting like this, you both need to grow up and solve your problems with something other than your strength!" She said. She was fed up with this just as much as I was. However I could see Will was still angry. Even if I wanted to talk to Will normally, he would never tell me the truth. His best ability was lying. Seeing that there was nothing for me to do in the moment, I knelt down on one knee and looked at Mabel.

"Hey Shooting Star, I'm sorry to of scared you. There is no reason for me to drag you into all of this as well. So I'm sorry," I said, tears were threatening to flow down my cheeks so I tried my best to keep them in. Her beautiful brown eyes looked up at me, she was so beautiful... it felt like it had been forever since I saw her this close. Although all my urges were telling me to hug and kiss her... I knew I couldn't do that. Her eyes were locked on me as if we were having some sort of silent conversation only we could hear. I love you. I try to say so desperately in this silence. Something in her eyes change and she smiles slightly.

"Star we are leaving. Now!" Wills voice shatters our silent conversation, Mabel looks at him startled and confused as does Valerie. He grabs Mabels hand and pulls her out of the room as she leaves for a split second I see a star ring on her finger with a crack... when did she get that?

Authors note: Oh man I hate myself for not updating this story more since I absolutely adore it to pieces!! Hopefully this chapter is good. I hope I can get back into writing this one more often!♡

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