Get Away Car

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◇Bill P.O.V◇

Everything was set. An obnoxiously red wedding with my love and my brother getting married. What a hilarious nightmare I've stumbled into. I looked over at Valerie who was staring straight ahead. We were to walk down the aisle together and then be on each side of the alter. The problem would be me seeing Will at the alter and using all of my power to not kill him. My emotions were getting the better of me when I felt a pinch at my arm which brought me back. We have a plan. We are ready. Like a battle cry the music started playing. Valerie and I started to slowly move up the aisle. I kept my eyes straight ahead and looked at the officiant. My breathing slowed as I tried to keep everything in check. Finally we reached the front and I could breath again.

"You did great," Valerie whispered over to me and gave me a small thumbs up as we parted ways to be on opposite sides since we were technically part of the bridal party. We watched as the other family members came down and then there was a pause. I could feel my brother glancing over at Valerie and also me, if he was smirking I'll grip his face off. Finally I allowed myself a quick glance over to him and to my surprise... he was frowning. WHY THE HELL WAS THE FROWNING?! HE IS ABOUT TO MARRY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL GIRL IN THE GALAXY AND HE LOOKS LIKE THAT?! This was truly sending me over. I could feel my eye start to glow and my hands wanted to burst into flames. Then pain. I blinked as my eye went back to normal. Valerie had thrown something at me and I quietly thanked her again for that. Then the doors opened and walking down the aisle was my shooting star... she looked amazing, but I could tell immediately that something was off. This was when everything needed to be done. We can't have it be finalized. Shooting star was walking with my mother by her side and in a quick swift moment Valerie was gone from her bridesmaid spot up to Mabel in less than a few second. Mabel was suddenly hunched over in pain making my mom look worried.

"Bill help!" Valerie called out to me. My eye widened as I tried to look surprised. I made my way over to her as she quickly caught me up.

"I knew it. She didn't look like she was feeling well earlier either. We need to let her lay down for a little than we can resume. You take her in and I'll tell Will what's happening. Is that okay Mrs. Cipher?" She asked turning to my mom for confirmation on what to do. My mother quickly nodded. This would have never worked if it wasn't for her trusting Valerie so much. I took Mabel's hand and lead her quick back inside before her possessed body could say anything and mess this up. When the door closed she had regained some of my strength.

"What is going on?! Why did Valerie punch me in the stomach. That hurt! Why are you taking me away from my fiance?!" She started going rapid fire as I attempted to keep dragging her away to the front doors but she was now putting up a fight. Quickly I looked over at her and mouthed the words "I'm sorry" as I hit her pressure point in her neck and she passed out in my arms. I picked her up and walked out the front door. I chanted and was teleported home. It had felt like a lifetime since I had been back.

"I'm so sorry..." I say as I move her hair behind her ear. She did look beautiful but the dress didn't suit her. Phase three was now commencing. My house was too easy a target and he would know to look here the moment they notice she's gone. Valerie and I planned for that. I walked upstairs and grabbed my pocket dimension, a small place that I created where it would only be Star and I. Valerie knows where the other is and can come when she is done. After setting it up we were now in my pocket dimension. A small cabin house in the middle of a forest by a beautiful river... I thought Star might like this, it was peaceful and nice. Laying her on the bed I just needed to take off the ring... right? These deals aren't usually complicated. I took the ring off her finger and burnt it in my hand, it seemed to scream out in a red smoke and sizzle into bits. She started to stir almost immediately.

"Bill?" She asked confused as she sat up and took in her surroundings. Her eyes widened as she grabbed her throat.

"Oh my gosh! That was me! I can talk again! Yes!" She jumped up on the bed smiling and then she focused back on me. Shouldn't... she remember me?

"You saved me. Thanks. I'm not sure why he did that... it was out of character for him." She said still like she was talking to a stranger.

"I don't understand..." I said quietly and looked down... I felt like crying... she has control over her body again but... she still doesn't remember us.

"What do you mean? Are you okay? You look sad... what's wrong?" She asked as she quickly came to my side and looked over at me with concern. As I looked into her eyes I couldn't help myself. It felt like the world was in slow motion as I reached my hand up to her cheek and pulled her in. Everything felt right as our lips touched.

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