House of dreams

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

It's been a day. I never take long when it comes to sweaters, I've been some what of a pro at them. Although they have all been for me, so this one has been taken me a bit longer... I want it to be perfect.
Dipper has still been ignoring me, we have little conversations but... it's back to the way it was, mostly silence. But since I've been busy with the sweater I've come to sort of ignore him and his silence. Although I have been having to careful, I don't want Dip to get curious on who this sweater was for.

"Done!" I squealed excitedly, the sweater was yellow with a blue triangle in the middle. I laid it down to admire my handy work, I really hope he likes it. My eyes wondered to Dippers once again empty bed, he left very early again. The coast was clear. The chant that was so normal now simple recited on it own from my mouth.

"Huh?" My eye brow rose as instead of seeing Bill a simple card floated down in front of me. I hesitated for a little and then bent down to pick it up, it was yellow with black writing.

"Hi there Shooting Star, if you get this then I am currently busy with a job. Although it would be rude to not see you, simply chant the words on the back of this card, see you soon -Bill" My eyes curiously scanned the message over and over again until I fully grasped what it said. Like he said the back of the card held a chant I hadn't seen before, it definitely wasn't in Dippers book. I wondered what would happen if I chanted it... I also didn't want to risk Dipper coming back and being freaked out. So I got a piece of paper and quickly jotted down a note to leave behind.

"Hey Bro-bro! I'm off to see a special friend of mine, don't worry I'm pretty sure this one isn't a romance. Anyway, I don't know when I'll be back, but don't worry about me! See you later Dipping sauce!♡ -Mabel" I looked it over, it seemed very me like and to the point without details. I set it down on my bed and grabbed the sweater preparing to chant. For some reason I became jittery, it may of been that it was a new chant and it would a surprise on what it would hold. Tightening my fist, I breathed and recited the words on the back.

"Oww!" I complained, grabbing my head. After a few seconds the headache I had just gotten dissappeared and I slowly opened my eyes. In front of me stood a door, it was a light yellow color with a triangular peep hole. Was I at Bills house? There seemed to be nothing behind me or around, just this door. I looked around a bit but there didn't seem to be a door bell, so I simply turned the nob and to my surprise it was open. I was now in a white hallway, there were several rooms on each side. The first room was a opened area which had a white couch, brown coffee table and a Tv. On the other side was a closed door that lead into a large library. As I kept walking the room next to the living room was a kitchen, White with black accents. Next to that was a little bathroom. On the other side was a stair case.
I couldn't believe how lovely his house was, everything was beautiful, and there wasn't much yellow at all, just white and black. Without thinking my feet carried me up the stairs. There were three rooms. The first one I went in was a large room with nothing but a piano in the middle, art works on the walls and an art easel in the corner. As I began to think about it I had never wondered if Bill had hobbys, I honestly didn't even think of him doing anything other than going into dreams, but even demons must get bored. I closed the door and continued on.
The next room was another large room that held box upon box of things, each sealed and dated. Walking around I saw some from 1400 up to current day. Another thing I had never thought about was how old he truly was. There was just so much I didn't know about Bill. I decided I would leave the boxes and stuff alone so I wondered to the very last room.

"Whoa.." My breath was taken away. The last room was just a bit bigger than the others. Inside was a king size bed with yellow covers, the walls were black with white dots like stars, there was a walk in closet along with a bathroom. As well as a yellow computer in the corner. It was a beautiful room. I had never seen this big of a room in my whole life, I have always shared a room with my brother, so I couldn't imagine all this space.

"It's like a dream," I whispered as I laid down on the bed that felt like clouds. This house was amazing, everything was just so beautiful. A yawn escaped my mouth as I stretch on the bed.

"It wouldn't hurt to nap," I said as my eyes began to feel heavy and then finally closed.

♢Bill P.O.V♢

Today had been usually busy, from some kid wanted help with a bully, to a business man wanted to scare his competition.. So many deals. I guess it just felt like a lot due to it being so slow lately. As my hand reached for the door nob I noticed the door was already open. Oh crap. I forgot, Shooting Star must of tried to summon me.

"SHOOTING STAR?" I called, but my voice just echoed through the house. This house isn't too big so it shouldn't be hard to find her. I began checking every room, but there was no sign of her, that is until I reached the bedroom. I pushed the door open slowly, I didn't want to startle her. As I walked in there she was, sleeping peacefully on my bed. She must of fallen asleep while waiting for me. I walked over to the side of the bed to look at her. Her hair laid parted on both sides of her, her purple sweater rose and fell with her chest as she breathed. She was kind of cute. My eyes gazed at her for a little while, she seemed to begin smiling, I wondered what she was dreaming about. I very well could go into her dream but.. I didn't want to invade.

"Shooting star?" I called quietly. She seemed to be in a deep slumber. After pondering if I should wake her or let her sleep, my body became tired as well, I slowly got on the bed far enough on the other side to not wake her. Although seeing as I don't need sleep I became very bored. How long do humans need to sleep anyways? I always had new questions about humans no matter how long I was alive. It wasn't long until I found myself on top of her looking down, I was curious.

☆Mabel P.O.V☆

My eyes began to burn, like someone was staring at me. Slowly my eyes began to open and everything started to come into focus. The first thing I see is Bill above me looking at me. His blonde hair is hanging down inches away as his blue eye is studying me closly, his arms on pinned on both sides of me.

"B-bill.. uh.." I began stuttering as I became flustered, I could feel my face becoming red.

"Look who's finally up," he said with a half smile still staring at me and didn't look like he was going to move. I looked to the side to avoid eye contact, what is he doing? Was is he on top of me?!

"Your face is red," he stated after a few seconds, my heart began racing.

"Well I mean, its..," I began but didn't know where I was going with it.. how was I to explain this if I didn't even understand it. Him being this close to me just did this to me..

"Can I try something?" He asked, I looked at him confused as I raised an eye brow. He still hadn't taken his eyes off me. What was he thinking? My heart raced even more for some reason. Honestly I didn't know what to say or how to answer.

"...yeah.. sure," I finally said shrugging trying to show him I didn't care. He smiled down at me, his real genuine smile which made me feel warm inside.

"Well?" I began to ask before I was shut up by Bills lips on mine. My eyes widened in surpise, why was he kissing me?! My mind began to daze, my heart felt like it was going to burst as I closed my eyes and kissed back. Ignoring everything else I simply enjoyed the warmth of his lips on mine.

Authors note: Happy April fools day my lovelys! Although this chapter is no fool, don't worry I don't plan on playing a prank, you lucky ducks! Anyway my birthday is in 11 days!! I'll be 17, I'm getting old. But anyways who is happy to finally see some Bill on Mabel action, even if it's not alot it's getting there. Oh yes and like I've said I already know how this story will end, although there may or may not be a sequel. I love you, thank you guys so much for reading, I will be back soon!♡ XOXO

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