Little Black Box

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

He looked so kind, so sweet as he was knelt down in front of me apologizing. Our eyes met and I felt like I was in a trance, we were speaking but no one else could hear us. He was trying so hard to get something across to me, but I couldn't grasp on to it. When my smile broke, Will abruptly got up and was dragging me out the door without even saying goodbye. Honestly I was taken so much by surprise that I just followed him without saying anything. I didn't want anymore fighting. It didn't take long before we were back in the woods in front of my house, the night was brisk and dark. Even though it made me somewhat uncomfortable, it was nice. Will hadn't said a word.

"Well today was very..."


"I was going to say eventful," I finished. Will smiled and looked up at the stars. He wasn't here with me at this moment, his mind was very far off. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to pull him back. But I decided it would be better to talk it out than ignore.

"She's beautiful," I say without really thinking, I'm now staring up at the stars as well, I make out a triangle.

"Who?" Will asked looking over at me confused. I twiddle my thumbs and smile over at him.

"Bill's Bride to be," I say quietly, a breeze cuts between us and ruffles Wills bangs but I can see the look in his eye... he wants to cry. My boyfriend was acting so strange and it took me this long to understand why.

"Oh... her," he said returning to his cold stare into the sky, but he wasn't really looking at anything. I found the big dipper and it almost made me giggle, wondering if Dipper has ever been in this much drama in his life. All he had to worry about was how to act around Wendy, while I'm over here dealing with demon drama.

"What's wrong?" I finally ask and I sit down on the grass, but I keep my gaze on the stars, trying to figure out if I can find a Waddle's constellation.

"What do you mean?" Will asks. I sigh and turn to look at him. Most of the time I have good instincts, great instincts, but lately everything has been so weird that I've been neglecting what I can feel.

"The whole fight with your brother. That wasn't over nothing. You totally change when your in front of her." I say all at once. After I say it all, it kind of ended up sounding like word vomit, but it got his attention. I hear him sigh and he sits down next to me.

"What does it matter to you?" He asked harshly, it's so cold that it sends shivers down my spine. I begin to mess with my hands again and feel the ring, it has a crack... great as if things weren't already tense enough, but I went a cracked the ring he gave me. I'm a real jerk.

"I'm your girlfriend, of course it matters to me," my voice comes out much softer than I meant it to and I'm not even sure he heard me. But in one motion he is in my face and holding my hand with the ring on it tight, I feel as if I can't even breath. His eyes are sharp and cold, I feel a shiver go up my spine and I want to run. But no matter how my brain screams at my body to move, it wont.

"You see this ring?" He asks very seriously, my hand is lifted up to where I see the ring, crack and all. I can't even find my voice to respond all I do is slowly nod. He smiles and gets even closer.

"This ring means I own you. You agreed, terms and conditions apply sweetie," he whispers. My eyes widen and I look at him confused. I had never agreed to that when he asked me out. My head started to hurt when I tried my best to remember back to when he even asked me out, but I couldn't. He continued to smile at me.

"Oh and you know what, this ring is cracked," he said as he examined it. I winced as he twisted my finger in an odd position to look at it. Even though I was scared, I felt even more guilty for letting it get cracked in the first place. Will let go of my hand and begins doing something with his magic, I simply stayed obediently in place. Why was he acting like this? Did I do something wrong... after a couple of minutes a black box appears in his hand and he turns to me with a wide smile... it almost feels real.

"Don't worry though. I have a better one." He says, I look at the box confused and then he opens it. Inside is a wedding ring with a black center diamond, it's beautiful... I want to tell him that I love the gesture but no, however I can't even speak. He takes my hand again and slips off the old ring, then quickly replaces it with the diamond one.

"So sweetie, what do you say?" He asks, smiling sweetly as if he didn't just scare me to death.

"Of course I'll marry you!" What?! No, I absolutely will not marry you! We need to talk about a lot and like what?! I'm screaming this dialog in my head, but none of it is coming out. I have no control of myself... I'm trapped in my body...

Authors notes: Oh crap man, it just got really intense. Sorry if you think that this chapter is a bit short, it is compared to a lot of my others but I wanted to end it here. Hopefully I will be back with the next chapter very soon!.

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