Why throw rice?

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◇Bill P.O.V◇

Mabel quietly moved away from Will towards the door. She gave me a serious look as a sort of way to tell me to be careful, I nodded and she left closing the door behind her. As the sound of the doors close echoed through the room, a tension grew as we stared at each other. It didn't make any sense, why now? Out of all the times he could of come over and he chose today. I couldn't help but think he knew in some way and did this on purpose.

"She really is a cute girl," Will cooed, his voice sickened me, it made it worse when he said things about Shooting Star.

"Why are you here?" I asked trying to keep a level head, if I were to yell she would hear me, even if she was down stairs. Will looked up like he was trying to remember why he was here.

"Well... I wanted to see you of course," he said smiling. He really was a horrible liar. We have never gotten along, even when we were little. Even if his business was the same as mine, working together was out of the question.

"You still suck at lying," I stated, this made him laugh and then his signature evil grin. In a lot of ways everyone thinks we are the same, but I would say we are far from it. Suddenly Will began searching his pockets, after a bit of searched he extending his hand with a piece of paper in it.

"What is it?" I asked. If this was the only reason he was here, he could of easily put it through the mail slot. He only smiled at me, I sighed and snatched it from him. Unfolding it I recognized the writing straight away.

"Father said to give it to you, I actually haven't read it, but I have a pretty good idea of what it's about," Will said mockingly. My eyes scanned the letter that was definitely writen by my father.

Dear Bill, if you are reading this Will was successful given you it, I'm glad. As you very well know the Cipher family is a well respected family among our community. But if we were to have more connections then we would surely grow. It seems Lady Valerie of the Valunci Family has decided she wants to marry you. We would like to have a meeting within the days. You know how to contact us. We will be waiting.

I froze. How could my parents expect this of me? Out of all the people to send they chose Will!? None of this was making any sense. I mean.. I was just accepting that I may have feelings for Shooting star and suddenly I'm suppose to be married.

"Let me guess, it's about Valerie," Will said leaning back on the bed. I just nodded and stayed silent. Why did I have to get married, Will is older than me.

"Before you go assuming stuff, I tried." He said, my eyes widened and I stared at him. He wouldn't make eye contact anymore, he looked like he was thinking ready hard.

"Valerie doesn't want to marry me. She says that it has to be you," I could see this bugged him, he looked hurt and upset. But why was I being dragged into this. Valerie and I haven't spoken since I left home years ago, I didn't even know Will kept in contact with her.

"Why me?" I asked looking down at the letter. Will scoffed as he got off the bed. He made his way to the door then looked back at me.

"I've asked that question too. Contact them." He left the room, closing the door behind him. I sat on to the bed staring at the letter.

☆Mabel P.O.V☆

My mind was racing. The only thing I could make sense of is that Will is Bills brother. Everything about Will makes me uneasy. After leaving the room, I kind of wish I had stayed near by to listen but decided against it, Bill didn't look happy. The thought of Bill and I kissing kept crossing my mind and each time it did I could feel myself blush, I mean.. now I don't know what to do. Do.. do I like him? Then the thought of his brother just makes me cringe and more confused. He did mention he doesn't get along with his family, from what I could see they were far from what me a Dipper are. Although Dipper and I aren't really close right now either. Gosh Mabel your going to think your self into a depression.

"Ugh," Will breathed as I could hear him walking down the stairs, the noise startled me so I sat up quickly on the couch. The last person I wanted to see was Will, especially if Bill wasn't around. My breathing stopped at I saw Wills figure come into sight, he was looking down but then seemed to notice me and look up.

"Oh hey Star," he said smiling at me. Why was he being so casual now? It's like his whole personally changed. I quickly averted my eyes.

"Hello," I spoke just loud enough for him to hear me. What did they talk about? Why was he being differnt now? It put me at ease a bit but also made me even more confused. After a little I looked back at him, he had his hand in his black hair and looked like he was thinking about something.

"Are you okay?" I asked out of habit. Atleast I know the Mabel I've known is still here, I hate seeing people like this, no matter who they are. Will looked over at me kind of shocked and then shook his head.

"I'm okay," he said throwing a half smile my way. I don't know him, so I guess it would be better not to pry.

"Oh no Dipper!" I yelled, Will jumped a bit from my yell that must of startled him, I couldn't help but giggle a bit. Time must of completely gotten away from me, it must be really late, Dippers gonna kill me!

"Dip what? Are you alright?" Will asked confused, I wanted to laugh at how startled he looked, but I have to focus on getting home.

"Dippers my brother, he must be worried, I have to go home!" I said, making my way past him and towards the door. Swinging the door open I remembered, I was somewhere in the dreamscape and I have no idea how to get home.

"How.. how do I even get home?" I asked looking around, but there was nothing but whiteness around. What if it's been a really long time in my world?! Oh gosh, what if they have started a search party and have the police involved?! My mind was spinning about how much I might of made people worry and then I snapped out of it. Will rested his hand on my shoulder which made me flinch.

"Calm down, it couldn't been more than a few hours. I'll take you home," he said, I looked up at him. Was this the same guy from the bed room? As I was about to nod my mind wondered back to Bill, he would be mad if I just left.

"Okay but let me write Bill a note," I said and smiled at him, he nodded. Going back inside I found a post it and a pen. Hi Bill, it was fun seeing you today, even if it got awkward. I'll talk to you soon. Looking over the note, I stuck it on the coffee table and left with Will.

"See you later Star," Will said grinning and then dissappeared. It didn't take long to travel back. Like Will had said only a few hours had passed, which was great for me since now I won't be in trouble. But I still feel bad for not telling Bill in person that I was leaving. As for his brother. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. What do I do? I'm just so confused..

Authors note: Hi my loves, long time no see. I hope by the end of this part you now understand the title for it, cute? Clever? Dumb? I thought it was a little of a reach, but I hope you like it. It's getting intense, confusing, who do you like? I hope this was worth the wait! Thank you guys for all of the reads and votes! See you in the next part!!♡◇♧♤

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