I need you now.

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

It was almost six. Dipper was frantically looking at things he could wear. He finally decided on a green plaid shirt and jeans. He told me bye and was out the door. It was nice that he said something to me. I really hoped this would help. I needed my bro back in this world, not looking for other ones. I knew Wendy could help.

The night was really boring. Stan had gone out, so had Soos, Wendy was with Dipper and Waddles was asleep. I laid on my bed wondering how I had become so lonely.

Sitting up I sighed. Then something caught my attention, one of Dippers dresser doors was open a bit. I wondered out of all of them that one was opened. Out of pure curiosity I walked over to it and peered inside.

"No way," I gasped. I reached in and pulled out the book. I couldn't believe Dipper had left it, he usually carries it around or hides it better than this. It was weird seeing it up close again. Looking at the door I brought the book back to my bed and sat down. My smile that had appeared from memories with Dipper and the book dissappeared when I once again realized I was alone.

"Maybe.." I breathed. Staring at the book my hands began to flip page after page until I stumbled across him, Bill. Was I really that desperate? I knew deep down Bill wasn't a bad guy, but Dipper would flip out if he figured out I summoned him. So out of quick thought I took a photo of the page and put the book back, I would go into the woods and summon him.

"Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium." I chant. It felt weird saying words I didn't know. But the spell said to say those words, so I did. My eyes were blinded by a bright light. After a couple of seconds I could see again and what was in front of me was Bill? A boy a few inches taller than me, blonde hair that swooped to one side, an eye patch, his other eye was electric blue and a yellow tux.

"Well, well, well didn't think I'd see you so soon Shooting Star," he winked. My eyes widened in confusion.

"B-bill?" I questioned. It was him, but he wasn't a floating triangle. He was very handsome.

"The one and only," Bill grinned. Bill looked around and then tilted his head.

"Pine Tree isn't with you?" He asked. I just shook my head. Suddenly I remember I hadn't thought of anything I was going to say to Bill, it was sort of impulsive. I made a mental note to think things out from now on.

"So Shooting Star, why did you summon me?" He seemed confused, which I could understand, I didn't truly have a good reason for summoning him.

"I.. uh.. well.." for some reason I couldn't speak. My words didn't want to form. I looked up at Bill who was smirking.

"You know, I know a lot of things." He said. My shoulders seemed to tense. So had he known I was lonely? How could he know that.. he can't read my mind. I decided I would call him on his bluff.

"Then you tell me why I summoned you," I said. Bill looked a little taken back and then started to laugh.

"Okay, fine, I don't know everything," he said rolling his eye.

♢Bills P.O.V♢

It had been peaceful, a real boring day, then Shooting Star summoned me. It was strange seeing her like this, twinless and speechless, it was cute. I already loved teasing the Pines but man, she made it too easy. I noticed she couldn't stare at me for too long, was she scared of me? It would make sense if she was, I am a demon after all. After a few minutes of silence she spoke again.

"Okay. So, Dipper has been ignoring me and I sort of got lonely," She admitted and continued to look down at the ground, I could see her face turning a pink color. This didn't help my confusion, she was lonely so she summoned me?

"Listen. I made deals-" I was about to go on but she interrupted me.

"So then make a deal with me!" She shouted a bit too loud, she looked at me, she now had a fire in her eyes. I liked it. I never knew how she could get like this. I showed up my hands in defeat.

"Alright. What is the deal you would like to make?" I asked, then I decided to wonder what I could get out of it, it was a two sided deal. This could be my chance to get the books, but..

"If you agree to hang out with me until I say hopscotch, then.. well what do you want?" She asked. Looking up at her I was lost in thought. I shook my head and grinned at her so she would not know I had lost my thoughts and didn't know what I wanted from her.

"I will ask three favors of you, at any time and you shall do them, that is all I want," I stated, this sort of gave me an out. It means I didn't have to really decide what I wanted right then and there.

"Alright.. doesn't sound to bad.." She said her voice was trailing off, her eyes were on the ground again. My hand was now lit with blue flames, this caught her attention.

"Looks like we have our selfs a deal," I smirked as she shook my hand.

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