Meeting the parents

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☆Mabel P.O.V☆

It felt like an eternity of being stuck in my body. This was torture. Why was he doing this to me... after the ring was on my finger, I had no say in what I said or my body did. Before I knew what was happening we were some where I had never been in front of a huge mansion. My hair was done and I was wearing a little black dress.

"Do I get to meet your parents?" My voice came out excited and giddy... it wasn't me. I wanted to ask to go home. Demand we go home.

"Yes, I'm so excited for them to meet you!" He said smiling sweetly and for a second I thought he meant it. But I wasn't sure anymore. There wasn't any trust here. He knocked on the door and we were greeted by a man dressed like a butler.

"Master William it is so good to see you again," he said as he ushered us inside. My body smiled and waved at him. Looking around... it was very grand and elegant. Had Will told me his family was rich, did he ever tell me anything about his family? The more I tried to think back the more my head hurt. I felt like an empty husk.

"This way dear," Will said as he led me down a hall and into what looked like a dinning room. There were two beautiful people sitting there. The woman had beautiful long blonde hair that was straight as a board. The man had short jet black hair was was styled to perfection. They were perfect, almost like dolls.

"Mom, dad. This is Mabel. This is who I want to marry," he said as he lead me to be in front of him like he was showing me off to be bought. My body smiled sweetly and did a small curtsey. I wanted to run away and hide... they were intimidatingly perfect.

"She is pretty," his mother cooed and patted her husband's arm as he stared me up and down. I was being appraised for my worth. Please say I'm not worthy. Kick me out. Set me free.

"She is indeed. I can also sense strong magic from her. She will make a great addition to the family," his father said letting out a dazzling smile. No! I scream inside. What is he even talking about with magic?

"Awe thank you! You two are absolutely stunning and your son has been amazingly sweet to me. I love him a lot!" My body boasted being sickeningly sweet and hugging Wills arm tight.

"I think she is a keeper!" His mother exclaimed and looked over to signal the butler to come in.

"When do you want to have the wedding?" His father asked. Will looked at me as if asking for my option, but I wouldn't say what I really want... he knows that.

"As soon as possible?" He asks me. No. Not right now. I need time. I'm too young. Listen to me damn it!

"The sooner the better!" My body screams delightedly. I mentally face palm. His mother has finished whispering to the butler and looked over to us.

"I thought you would say that. I just gave Lance the task of writing and sending out the invitations!" She said excitedly. I felt like I was going to faint. If I faint will it even matter? Will it even affect my body?... or will it keep moving mechanical around the house... out of the corner of my eye I see a photo of Will and Bill when they were younger... Bill was so cute and something pinged inside my heart like pain... like I was forgetting something. I wanted to go over and pick up the picture, but my body didn't listen to me anymore.

"This is exciting!" My body squealed again and hugged Will. He smiled down at me and then looked back to his parents.

"I guess this weekend will do! Oh my, I'll called the seamstress, florist, DJ and caterer!" His mother said excitingly as she got up and walked over to us. She looked me up and down.

"You are going to look gorgeous in a white dress! I'll have them make it exclusively for you!" She said sweetly. It hurt. She was being so nice to me... to us... but I still could only think about how I was going to escape.

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