Linked only by blood

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♧Dippers P.O.V♧

Wendy was amazing. Her hair reminded of autumn leafs. Ever since we began coming to Gravity Falls I had a crush on her. Mabel always told me she's too old for me or I'm too young for her. Honestly I didn't care as long as I could be close to her I was okay. I had to admit I was taken back when she asked me to hang out with her and her friends, they were all her age. It was really nice, I felt like I was really connecting with them.

"Mabel what the heck? Why is the door locked?" I asked knocking on the door. It was weird, Mabel never locked our door.

"Sorry Dip, I was playing hopscotch," She called as the door unlocked and swung open. She smiled at me and sat on her bed.

"Soo how was your play date Dipping Sauce?" She cooed in a giggling manor. I never cared that she called me that it was the play date part that got me, but I shook it off.

"It was great, fun, nice.. yeah, Wendy's nice," I said stumbling over my words, I shook my head trying to stop my nervousness. She sat there smiling at me.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked raising my eyebrow, she blinked as if coming back to reality and just laughed.

"I'm happy you had a good time is all bro-bro," her braces widened her smile as her eyes squinted closed, she hadn't been this happy since before we got into our little scuffle, maybe she was finally realizing I was only trying to protect her.

"Oh I forgot how was your thing?" I asked, she looked confused at first and then smiled like she understood.

"I just hung out with this guy," She said being vague, I really hoped it wasn't going to be her newest love interest, we had enough mistakes with that.

"Cool," I said grabbing my journal and climbing into bed, I thought it was best not to pry to much.

☆Mabel P.O.V☆

I honestly couldn't believe how talkative Dipper was being. He was at first completely ignoring me, but now he was having a full on conversation with me. Given it wasn't a long one, I was sort of relieved he ended it not trying to get the name or information on who I was hanging out with tonight, Bill was my secret. Could that be right? Could I call Bill my secret.. or was it that us hanging out was the secret. After a while my head began to hurt thinking too much about it. I decided to call it a night, only hoping Dipper would turn his flash light off soon.

Authors Note: Yikes that was a short chapter, sorry, I didn't see much of a point continuing it from there. I will simply pick it up from the next day, it's easier that way. I will hopefully post another chapter tonight, don't hold me to it though. So how is it so far? You guys like?? ♡

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