The proposal ch.1

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I sat at the table in the restaurant waiting for Alex to arrive I was fiddling with the ring in my pocket my eyes lit up when I saw Alex enter the restaurant

"Hey ." Alex said

"Hey ." I said greeting him with a passionate kiss on the lips before resting my head on his shoulder

We sat down I was ready I could do this I was sure he would say yes I figured maybe this would help break the distance the past few months between us

" I have something to tell you ." I said smile on my face I could do this

I could do this

" me to ." Alex said his facial expressions not meeting mine

"I'll go first " I said getting down on my knee

"Tk... I have been cheating on you with my cycle instructor I'm sorry I can't -" he said closing the box

"I don't - I don't get it ." I said before grabbing my phone

"Tk wait -"

"Don't worry Alex i have to go home with you to get my stuff anyways so get your keys let's go ." I said walking out of the restaurant

" Tk -" Alex said as he started the car

"just drive ." I said getting in the backseat

"Stop acting like a child sit upfront ." Alex said

"Look I don't even wanna be here right now I am not sitting up there next to you ." I said

"get out ." He yelled

" I said get out !"

"Fine ." I said crying before I closed the door

If I got a ride home with Alex maybe what happened next wouldn't have happens I wouldn't have stumbled past the dealer I would have went home instead of that i got opioids and took them back to my place

I got back to my place tears in my eyes dropping my phone on my bed changing into a hoodie and a t shirt and sand headed to the bathroom dumped a handful of pills on my hand grabbing a water from the kitchen not stable enough to even realize that I was dripping some on the way there I grabbed the water tossing the pills in my mouth at once swallowing whole I felt better I really did

It really did solve all my problems at the time ..

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