hold me? ch.10

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my dad was on a 24hour shift so it was just me which would just be fun sometimes I wish I had worked so I could just do something meaningful

i got in sweats and a t-shirt and brushed my teeth before getting in bed

"buttercup come here .." I patted my bed as he stood in the doorway before hopping on my bed

"good boy ." I said kissing his head rubbing his ears

I put my phone on the charger before closing my eyes

I heard my phone ring of course

"dad I'm fine," I said answering the phone which had appeared to not be my dad who was calling me at 2 am

"t..k" I heard Carlos

I sat up in my bed

"Carlos ?" I said confused

"why are you calling me at 2 am," I said

"it's all fake," he spoke he clearly was high on something but something told me it wasn't drugs

"I'm coming over okay ill be there in 10," I said before hanging up

I scrambled to get a hoodie on

"ill be back buttercup don't pee on my bed please be a good boy ," I said before grabbing my key

I arrived at Carlos's house quickly the door was locked I knocked on the door

"Carlos it's me open the door," I said

he didn't answer I looked around the front under the placemat for a key until I found it in a candle i put it in the door unlocking it went to the living room seeing him on the couch playing with his hands

"what the hell did you take ?" i said checking his pupils

"Your pretty ." he said

"i want you to hold me .."

"Sure " i said wrapping my arms around him as he laid his head against mine

"Better ." He said calmly

"Will you stay until i fall asleep ?"

"Yeah." I said as he laid behind me as I held his hand with mine

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