I try ch.53

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- a few days later -
I came over Owen's house around 10 tks hasn't answered my messages I couldn't tell if he did that on purpose or he was still mad

"Hi Carlos ! " he said

"Hey Owen .." I said as he let me step inside

" I made pasta wanna taste test ?" He said rushing to the kitchen

"Um thank you sir but I was actually wanted to see tk is he here ?"

"Yeah he's upstairs sleeping the new meds are really taking a toll on him ." Owen said

"New meds ?" I questioned

"He had to get off his old ones for a few days for these to work the other meds made his stomach hurt he could barely keep food down ."

"Tk said that you were covering some shifts and that you wouldn't be home so he didn't wanna be alone ." Owen said tasting his pasta

"Uh yeah someone dropped out so they had me on double shifts ." I said scratching my head

"Could I go see him ?" I said

"Oh yeah of course ." He said

"Thank you sir ." I said walking up the steps

I walked into tks room seeing him facing the wall sleeping I sat down quietly on the edge of his bed brushing his hair out of his face

"Sorry I'm late .." I said

Tk turned towards me

"Your here ." Tk said opening his eyes

"Yeah baby I'm here ." I said

"I'm sorry for what I said to you the other day -." I said

"I don't care all that matters is that your here ." He mumbled

"Do you want a hoodie,blanket,anything ?" I said stroking his cheek

Tk shook his head ni slightly

"Could you just hold me please ?" He said holding my hand

"Yeah scoot over ." I said

Tk laid his head on my stomach as i stroked his back through his shirt

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this ." Tk said

" you don't ever have to apologize for being you." I said kissing his head

Tks eyes started to close as he forced them open

"You tired ?" I said

"Kinda ." He mumbled

"Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up ." I said

"Promise ." He mumbled pulling the cover over his shoulder

"Promise ." I said

Not long later Owen peaked in seeing to asleep with his head on my lap as I rubbed his back

"You did good ." He whispered

"I try ." I smiled

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