Exposed ch.77

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Disclaimer- don't come for me I am fully aware the intensity of covid 19 and the effects it has had on the world as we know it in now way shape or way am I trying to take the focus away from this horrible disease I thought it might be good to bring light to the subject in my books stay safe and enjoy <3

The whole team and there family that they had come in contact with had got a covid test due to Judd coming down with covid and they all have worked together within the last few days so everyone needed a test just to make sure

Owen gathered the gang in the kitchen as he had revived the test results for everyone " not so good news everyone .." Owen said they knew that the test most likely were positive " everyone tested positive except for Mateo and marjan .." Owen said as everyone put there mask on " so for safety reasons for everyone we will be closing the 126 unlit everyone test negative for the virus I suggest you call you loved ones and see if they came back positive to see if you can quarantine with them .." Owen said as everyone headed to go call there loved ones Tk dialed Carlos's number as he was the only other person he had come in contact with in the last few days

"Hey babe what's up ?" Carlos asked on the other end " did you get your covid test back ?" Tk asked praying it was negative " yeah negative anyways figured I'd make your favorite dinner tonight sound good ?" Tk knew what that meant Carlos wasn't positive he couldn't quarantine with him and there was no way in hell Tk was getting Carlos sick " I'm not gonna be able to come Carlos .."Tk said as Carlos cut him off " okay we will just do it tomorrow night ." Carlos said happily " no Carlos I'm positive everyone is here except for Mateo and Marjan .." Tk said the call kinda fell silent as Carlos was shocked Tk had it " do you feel okay ?" Carlos asked concerned for tk "yeah just congested but I'll be fine ." Tk said coughing " tk you can quarantine here I have the shots so I can't get -." Carlos said he didn't care if Tk was sick " they had never been away from one another that long 14 days and there wasn't a guarantee that Tk would test negative after 14 days " Carlos I'm not gonna get you sick I wouldn't forgive myself if I did that to you okay I'll be fine we can FaceTime alright and then I'll test negative and I can come back home but I'm not coming back home until I am negative till the I'll stay with my dad ." Tk said " okay .. do you want me to pack you some clothes and stuff ?" Carlos asked considering that Tk is gonna be at his dads house for 14 days "if you could that would be great thank you ." Tk said "okay I'll ride by your dads house later masked up and all and drop it off ." Carlos said " thank you I love you ." Tk said " love you to tiger ." Carlos said

Tk went back as the team discussed where they would be quarantining " Paul ?" Owen asked " I'm good I don't live with anyone so I'm good ." Paul said " Tk ?" Tk's dad asked " Carlos is negative ." He said sipping his water " okay your with me then " Nancy how bout you ?" "My roommate moved out so I'm good ." She said

" as much as it pains me to say .. I'll see you guys in 14 days ." Owen said as they all grabbed there bags "they sell said there goodbyes 6 feet apart of course " Cmon son ." Tk's dad said wrapping his arm around his shoulder

Later that night there was a knock at the door Tk put his face mask on and Carlos backed away from the door " delivery ." Carlos smiled holding a duffel bag and a bowl of Tk's favorite food Carlos hopped that they could eat it together but at least with the new circumstances they were gifted for 14 days Tk could still enjoy something " I don't remember ordering post-mates?" Tk laughed closing the front door as he stepped outside the two stood 6 feet apart as Owen watched them through. The window in the kitchen
"Very funny I figured you could use a little pick me up even thought you couldn't make it to dinner I figured I'd bring it to you ." Carlos said putting down Tk's duffel bag and bowl between the two so Tk could pick it up when Carlos left "I'm sorry about this ." Tk said scratching his head "you did what you could it's not your fault there's a stupid virus ." Carlos said " you know your dads gonna drive you crazy right ." Carlos laughed pointing at his dad watching the two through the window " unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time ." Tk said
I should get going but you gonna call me before you go to bed right ?" Carlos asked " yeah wouldn't miss it hey maybe our zoom calls will be more interesting then our first date ." Tk laughed "nothing could be more interesting than that .."Carlos laughed he started walking back to his car " hey tk !" He called tk turned around looking at Carlos "catch ." He laughed throwing tk a bottle of hand sanitizer " very funny ass ." Tk laughed catching the bottle " love you idiot ." He smirked " love you jerk ." Tk laughed heading back inside with his bag and food

"He's a keeper ." Owen said sipping his coffee "butt out ." Tk laughed joining Owen at the counter " coffee?" Owen asked " please ?" Tk laughed

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