Fighter ch.73

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Carlos didn't want to leave Tk not in the car and especially not as the water was rising Carlos got them into the mess it wasn't fair that he couldn't get Tk out of it

"Tk it's not safe not for you ." Carlos said as the water level continued to rise " Carlos trust me this once you need to go I'll be right after you okay we'll get out of this together I promise now please go ." Tk said as the water level rise to his mid chest " okay ." Carlos said climbing out Tk did intend to keep his promise he really did he tried to get his seatbelt off " cmon stupid buckle ." Tk said trying to get it unstuck

Tk fidgeted some more with the seat belt but with the water level now up to the bottom of his neck and the water weighing him down when the impact hit it must have messed up the seat belt gears now leaving it stuck and as tight as ever on TK restricting him even more

The water level was now up by the bottom on his face he was having trouble breathing Carlos had realized that when he turned around he realized Tk was not following him Tk never made it out of the car Tk took his last breath of air holding it as the water swallowed his head as the car went under last thing Tk said was " I love you ." Even tho Carlos couldn't hear him he hoped that he would already know

Carlos saw the car go under he hoped that tk had made it out until he realized he did "Tk !" Carlos called " sir are you okay ?" A woman asked " call 911" Carlos said while his lip's trembled

Within a few minutes the 126 arrived they wasted no time getting there Carlos was in fear the car went under five minutes ago nor did Tk show up Carlos was shaking not just because he was cold because he thought Tk was gone because of him if he had been paying attention he could have avoided the driver

" how long has the car been under ?" Owen asked as the team got hooked up to there harnesses to go under "f-five minutes ." Carlos stuttered " he's gonna be okay he's strong ." Owen said placing a heat blanket over Carlos's shoulder "Carlos I need you to answer this question to the best of your knowledge did tk mention anything before the crash anything that could be the reason to why he couldn't get out ?" Owen said " he kept fixing his seatbelt but that's all I can think of .." Carlos said " alright ! 126 bring some scissors and rolls we have a possible seatbelt restriction!" Owen said Paul and Judd went down without order they just volunteered

"Carlos let's get you to the hospital that head wounds not looking to hot right now ." Owen said rubbing Carlos's shoulder " but -." Carlos said cutting himself off Owen knew what Carlos wanted to say " I know you do but he would want you to get checked out first he'll meet you at the hospital alive ." Owen assured him Owen watched as Carlos got in the ambulance and got taken to the hospital

They went down seeing exactly what was expected Tk's seatbelt still on and Tk unconscious they cut him out they got him to the surface his pulse was weak but it was there and that was a good thing he was alive they got him into the ambulance Owen rode in the Ambulance with Tk Owen held us sons hand he was cold but his pulse was going he wasn't awake but he was alive and that that was a miracle that's after 7 minutes under water he still pulled through his son was a fighter that was for sure

The drive who hit them and knocked them off the bridge as under the influence it want Carlos fault after all even though he would feel like it was for a while

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