Distracted ch.85

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Tk had returned to work a few days ago of course he got teased by the team cause that's what the 126 did they made jokes laughed and of course teased

Tk had told the team that it was a ice skating fall and that's how he got the head injury knowing his dad would freak out if he actually knew and of course the 126 got called to a ice skating rink accident

" alright 126 get your skates on and get the tools we're going on ." Owen said as everyone's laced up
" try not to injure yourself ." Nancy laughed "very funny ." Tk said as they all got into the ice "uh cap .." Nancy said as her and Tk looked as victim "what is it bad ?." The main victim asked not knowing that a skate was lodged into her skull
"Uh.." Tk stuttered "cap what do you want us to do ?" Tk asked " get her on a backboard and let's get her to the hospital." Tommy said as Mateo fell into a wall "and Mateo keep you feet on the ice my ambulance isn't big enough for two of you

Owen and Tk took the girl into the hospital "hey your head cut looks better ." The doctor said patting tk on the back Owen looked confused seeing her tag which listed what her profession was "dad ?" Tk said "hmm?" Owen asked snapping out of his thoughts "we got to move her ." Tk said " right ."

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